The One With The Breaking and Entering

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"And you're the only thing that's going on in my mind. Taking over my life a second time."

Ryland's brows furrowed at the tapping on her bedroom window. She was a notoriously light sleeper, so ignoring it wouldn't work.

There's a tree right outside her room, so she assumed it was it causing the noise. She should be able to just snap off the offending twig.

She frowned as she approached the wide window. Her knees hit the day bed as she opened it. There was absolutely no wind and the tree's branches were too high to be touching the glass.

She looked down with a frown.

Her eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" She stage-whispered furiously.

The source of the sound waved up at her happily, a handful of pebbles tucked into their fist.

"I came to see you."

"Taylor! My mom's going to kill you if she sees you. Go home."

Taylor just shrugs and smiles happily, "Hey, all in the name of love. I couldn't think of a better way to go!"

"Stop yelling." Ryland spoke through her teeth, a burning blush painted her cheeks. She peered further into her dark room. The hall light was still off as far as she could tell via the sliver under her door.

By the time she looked back, Taylor is half way up the large oak tree.

Ryland rolled her eyes, "Couldn't wait for me to let down my hair?" She deadpanned and backed up as Taylor more or less fell into the room.

"Your hair isn't long enough for that, Princess." Taylor smiled brightly and placed a soft kiss on her girlfriend's cheek.

Ryland's blush deepened further somehow, "What are you doing here? If my mama catches you she's going to kill you, bring you back to life, then kill you again."

Taylor shook her head fondly, "I didn't get to see you today and wanted to tell you about my day. And I thought after I did that, we could sleep together."

Ryland's eyes widened comically at that last part.

"Oh! No! Not like that! I-I meant actually sleep. I know you're not ready for the other kind of sleep together and that's totally fine." Taylor smiled reassuringly.

It was then that Ryland noticed Taylor's clothing. Apparently the girl had walked all the way here in her pajamas. A plain white short-sleeved crew neck and red plaid sleep shorts.

"Do your parents know where you are?"

"I left a note on mama's forehead, and little bro was still up so I told him." Taylor nodded resolutely, referring to Tobin and her 15 year old brother, Jaxxon.

"Well that's something. I don't exactly like the idea of you walking around New York at night by yourself." Ryland fiddled with the cross necklace latched around Taylor's neck.

"I understand, but if it makes you feel any better, soccer helps me run really fast." Taylor seems to think her joke is rather hilarious. Ryland wholeheartedly disagrees.

"I have no idea why my mom doesn't like you. You're so much alike."

Taylor hopped onto Ryland's bed, her arms opening in invitation for the omega to join her, "Well, she's never actually met me. She doesn't like my mom."

"Did Christen ever tell you why?" Ryland rested her head on Taylor's chest, tucking the necklace back into the alpha's shirt.

"Not directly, but I've deduced that it probably has to do with the fact that my mom and your mom have definitely fucked before."

Ryland sat up in the bed quickly, "What?!"

"Yeah, that's the reaction I had." Taylor just shrugged and calmly pulled Ryland back down towards her.

"Now, lets quickly change the subject to my day and away from our moms having sex with each other."

Ryland only nodded slowly, her mouth still open in shock and also mild disgust.


Kayla's children all sat in front of her. Wary expressions on their faces.

They had sat at the island counter coincidentally from oldest to youngest, save for Kaleb who was comfortably sitting on Peyton's lap.

"Are you guys getting a divorce?" Peyton asked accusingly.

Kelley and Kayla frowned, "No."

"Oh, then what is this meeting about?"

"Moms. I already know. You don't have to tell us. Mom's not my biological mother." Abigail said resolutely, she didn't seem to notice everyone else staring at her like she was an idiot.

Kayla dramatically slammed her hand onto the counter, "Who told you?! I never meant for it to happen like this! We-we-" She falls dramatically into Kelley her shoulders shaking with heavy fake sobs until she begins to laugh.

Abigail is pouting now.

"You don't feel bad about that, do you?" Kelley asked seriously. Abigail just shrugged.

"Not really. I don't remember mom not being there so it's all the same to me." And she was telling the truth, she never felt out of place, mainly because Kayla went out of her way to ensure that.

"Well, if you guys are done making terrible guesses, your mother and I have decided you're all old enough to know the truth."

Ryland raised an eyebrow, "The truth about what? Peyton's an alien, isn't she? I knew there was something off about her." She only chuckled when said sister shoved her into Abby.

"No, about why Kelley's a bit...indifferent to Taylor being your mate." Kayla said, making sure to choose her words carefully.

Ryland nodded, "Oh yeah. Tay told me last night. She said you and Christen fu-slept together."

Peyton has to hide her face in her brother's large mass of curly dark hair to try to hide her smile. This was an absolutely hilarious turn of events.

"How would she know?"

"Last night?"

"She said she just guessed. And did I say last night? I meant last week...." Ryland winced at her slip up.

"No. You meant last night. How could she have told you last night? You were here all day and you forgot your phone in the living room." As if she reminded herself, Kelley pulled her daughter's phone out of her pocket.

"I plead the fifth."

"Well, then you wouldn't mind me going into your room then, would you?" Kelley doesn't wait for answer, she stormed into the omega's room, and sure enough. She could practically smell Taylor's lingering scent through the door.

"It's rather unfortunate that poor kid must die." Kelley shook her head solemnly.

"Well, you could always just calm down and get over it." Kayla pointed out.

"Nah, I'm gonna kill her." She sighed as if this was a burden she couldn't shake.

"Has it ever occurred to you, that you might be overreacting?" Kayla crossed her arms.

"No, why?"

"'Cause you are. Look it's not like they did anything untoward. Plus, she's an adult, she wouldn't even be here if it wasn't the summer."

Kelley pouted and stomped her foot like her four year old did when he was mad, "But she's my baby."

"She's mine too, but we've got to let her grow up."

Kelley scowled, "Fine, but I still get to interrogate the kid and put the fear of God into her. It's my right."

"I'm not quite sure that's how that works, but I'm not going to stop you."

Kelley kissed her wife on the cheek, "And that's why I love you."

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