- Chapter 10 -

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The day was warming to the perfect temperature as they walked through the woods. The pine scent tickled Serri's nose and brightened her already happy mood. The horse stopped to graze periodically but always caught up.

As they walked, Serri talked to her new companion, telling him stories from her childhood. She told him about the day her parents put a blindfold on her and led her outside. It was her 10th birthday. When they took the blindfold off, she stared in awe at the beautiful palomino pony in front of her. They'd even put a big blue bow around its neck. Her favorite color.

For years, she rode that pony everywhere. She described some of their adventures, galloping through the woods and meadows, jumping over fallen logs and swimming in the river.

"Well, enough of me prattling on. We have more important things to tend to. For example, you need a name."

Serri stopped to look at the horse. As she studied him, she reached out to pet his strong neck and untangle a clump of his mane.

"Hmmmm. Let's see. You're brave, beautiful, loyal . . . I know! I'll call you Perseus. Percy for short."

"So, Percy. Onward ho. Let's get you to a stable. I have enough money to get those overgrown hooves trimmed and put you up in style," Serri laughed.

After a few more hours of walking, they reached a road. It was well-traveled and, no doubt, would lead them to a town.

Serri's only worry was running into Noah. But surely, by this point, he was far enough ahead that he wouldn't be a problem. Besides, she'd recognize his wagon and head the other way, if necessary.

Not long after finding the road, they crested a hill and looked down at a small town. It had a stable, an inn and, most importantly, no sign of Noah's wagon. Perfect.

Serri took a deep breath and started down the hill with Percy on her heels.

The first stop upon entering the town was the livery stable. As Serri neared it, she was met by a tall, thin man with a handlebar mustache.

"Help ya?" he asked as he looked past her at Percy.

"Yes. My horse could use a hoof trimming and a comfortable stall with some hay and grain."

"That'll cost ya 75 cents," he stated as he held out his hand. "Looks like you'll be needing a halter. That'll bring the cost up to one dollar even."

Serri handed him the money and he went to retrieve a halter. When he tried to put it over Percy's head, he was met with a loud snort and a defiant head shake.

"Here," said Serri. "Hand me that."

She spoke gently to Percy, showing him the halter and explaining that he'd have to wear it to get into the stable. Percy calmed down and let her put it over his head and buckle it, then she led him into the stable. Once inside his spacious stall, he was given two good-sized flakes of green, leafy hay, a bucket of water and a ration of grain.

Making sure Percy was settled in and happily eating his dinner, Serri headed for the inn. She crossed the dirt road and climbed onto a wooden boardwalk that ran the length of the block. As she passed the saloon, the doors burst open and out flew Noah. Serri jumped aside while managing to catch sight of the very unhappy man who had helped Noah out the door.

Serri turned away but was too late to escape being seen by Noah as he swung around to, no doubt, curse at the angry man in the doorway.

"You?" he slurred, pointing a shaky finger at Serri. "I ben lookin' everywhere for you."

He tried to stand but stumbled, wind-milling his arms to steady himself before he fell again. Serri took the opportunity to run in to the saloon.

"Git back here," raged Noah, as he regained his footing and tried to lunge through the doors.

He was no match for the burly man, who, with one giant heave, sent Noah flying back into the road.

"Now stay out," spat the angry man. "I'm not gonna tell ya again."

Serri stood frozen in place, staring wide-eyed at the brawny man as he turned toward her with a smile.

"Hello, Miss. Name's Jake. Can I get you a drink?"

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