- Chapter 20 -

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Mitch and his gang of thugs took Serri to her room so she could gather her things. They then proceeded back to steerage to get Percy ready. As expected, Percy wouldn't let them anywhere near his stall.

"Get in there and get that bridle and saddle on that beast," said Donald the ringleader, as he shoved Serri toward Percy's stall.

As she saddled Percy, she reassured him in a calm voice. She told him that he'd have to behave himself for the time being and that he'd know what to do. It was all going to work out fine, she added, more for herself than for him.

One of the gang came running into steerage, as Serri finished putting Percy's bridle on.

"We're just a few minutes from docking in Fort Madison."

Donald gave Serri a menacing smile as he slowly began crooking his index finger toward his face.

"Show time, Missy."

Serri gave Percy a final pat and left his stall. When she finished fastening the stall door, Donald swung her roughly around.

"Now, if anybody asks what you're doin' on the dock, you're gonna keep a big ol' smile on your face and say you need to stretch your legs for a bit. Right?" Donald whispered hoarsely in her ear as he crushed her arm against his chest.


"Good. Now let's get outta here."

Serri was given a swift shove toward the gangplank.

She could hear Percy stomping and neighing, but she kept herself together, put a smile on her face and marched toward the sunny dock.

As expected, she was asked why she was disembarking. She gave her spiel and was told to be back within the hour. She nodded, smiling broadly, and set out on her way.

She had been instructed to head for the saloon, where they'd meet her with Percy. Serri would then buy them all a drink as they readied a rider to head for Hannibal. Once there, he'd spread the word that Bertie's friend needed her. Now.

Serri sauntered down the street toward the saloon, looking backward to see where Percy and the gang were. As soon as she saw Percy being led down the gangplank by Mitch, she took off running toward a thick grove of trees further down the street. She ducked in, well out of sight, then took a huge breath, put two fingers in her mouth and let out a piercing whistle.

Percy immediately reared up, knocking Mitch to the ground. The rest of the flabbergasted gang tried to stay upright as they negotiated the narrow gangplank. Chaos ensued as the men gathered their wits and tried to grab for Percy without being knocked into the water.

Percy easily eluded their grasp and galloped full-out toward the trees. Serri was overjoyed to see he remembered the whistle training she'd given him.

As Percy neared the trees, Serri ran out into the road. He slowed down as she grabbed the saddle horn and gracefully swung onto his back. The two of them were galloping out of town before anyone knew what hit them.

Well, except for the cook who stood on the top deck of the ship watching the whole episode unfold. He smiled as he turned back toward the kitchen, setting Serri's breakfast plate down next to a hungry looking guest.

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