- Chapter 22 -

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As the sun set and darkness began shrouding the prairie, the exhausted travelers entered a thick stand of Cottonwoods along the river.

They wove through the trees and came to a stop in a small clearing. The Indian jumped off his horse and walked toward Percy to help Serri down. She brushed him away as she started to dismount but ended up falling in a heap into his arms. He set her on her feet and put his hands on her face, lifting her chin to make sure she was okay.

She smiled up at him.


"I'm the one who should be thanking you."

"You speak English?"

"Yes," he said, stating the obvious, as his eyebrows made a V-shape.

Serri smiled again. "What's your name?"

"Black Feather. And you are?"

"Serri. Nice to meet you - again."

After Serri unsaddled Percy, she walked him toward the river for a drink. The exhausted horse was a sweaty mess. She gave him a quick pat on the haunches as he trotted into the river to splash around. As she stood on the bank watching Percy, the Appaloosa appeared from behind her and joined him.

Serri turned to go back to the clearing and ran smack into Black Feather's chest. He grabbed her by the shoulders. They stood like that for a few awkward seconds, until Serri apologized and backed away.

"Why did you help me back there?" Black Feather asked. "You could have stayed quiet. They never would have found you."

"I couldn't leave you alone with those horrible men. That wasn't a fair fight, and besides, they wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for me."

Black Feather stared into her eyes with a quizzical look on his face.

"It was a noble thing you did. I am in your debt," he said softly.

"Your horse is incredibly smart and obviously well-trained. You two saved my life. So, we're even."

"Raven is special, isn't she?"

Serri listened intently as Black Feather explained how he signals Raven to kick like that. He pointed out that it had come in very handy a time or two.

When the laughter died down, they stood in awkward silence for a few seconds before Serri stated that she was starving. Black Feather made a sweeping gesture toward the river. Serri shook her head and told him about her failure at fishing. Wasting no time, he whittled down two sticks and gave Serri a lesson on the proper method of spearfishing.

After laughing at failed attempts and finding success with proper form and timing, they made their way back to the fire and were soon eating a delicious fish dinner.

They talked late into the night as they watched the embers turn from red to blue to orange. Serri asked how he learned to speak English. He told her a story about a fort that was built near his tribe's, the Dakotas', hunting grounds. One day a soldier entered their village and, using sign language, let them know he wanted to learn about the area and the tribes that lived there. Later he would warn them of changes coming.

Black Feather befriended this man and asked if he would teach him his language. They met every day while the soldier was stationed at the fort and soon could speak each other's languages quite proficiently.

Then one day the soldier was abruptly sent to a different post and Black Feather hadn't seen him since. He brushed away a tear as he told her that he thought about the soldier often and hoped he was doing well.

Early the next morning, as Black Feather and Serri packed up their belongings, he told her there was a good place to cross the river a few miles up. He offered to accompany her across and then give her directions to the nearest town.

The river crossing was as dangerous as Serri worried it would be. She spent a fair amount of time studying it from the bank. The water was fast and deep but Black Eagle showed her how to swim along with the horse, holding on to their mane, so as not to impede or get kicked by their hard-churning legs. Together, they made it to the other side unscathed.

After vaulting up the far bank, the horses shook off the water, while Serri and Black Feather smiled at each other in relief. From there, they walked up a nearby hill to get a better vantage point.

Serri began twisting the fabric of her clothes to wring out the water.

"Do you see that road?" Black Feather asked, pointing off in the distance.

"Yes. Where does it go? I have to admit that I'm hopelessly lost."

"The town is a day's journey. It will have everything you need."

"And where will you go?"

"I was scouting for game. I'll continue, then join my people."

"Thank you, again," Serri said with a smile.

Black Feather nodded, never taking his eyes off Serri's face. He finally turned away, not noticing Serri's hand reaching toward him. After grabbing a handful of Raven's mane, he swung onto her back and trotted down the hill in the opposite direction of the road.

Serri brushed her windblown hair off her face as she watched him ride away. As he disappeared in the distance, she let out a long sigh and turned her focus to her own journey.

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