New prisoners

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The sounds of the old gate opening slowly upwards made a rather screechy..ish noice.

The 9 new found prisoners winced while hearing the gates opened.

What the hell, don't people around here repair the gates or something?

One of the prisoners thought.

It seemed that the gates were pretty old, and quite rusty too. But what else would you expect from 40 year old castle gates. Yes, castle gates, the 9 prisoners didn't got caught and had to become prisoners because they commited arson or choked a baby to death or actually anything bad.

They were caught from their own village, town or city nearby and were made as prisoners by an evil lady, her name is Junko, Junko Enoshima.

Junko was an evil lady that loves depair, probably more than anyone in existence. She captures people from nearby villages, towns and cities and makes them her prisoners, what for? Well she used them as 'test subjects' though she isn't the one conductimg the tests, its her scientists that she also capture and make them do experiments for her. Basically everyone in the castle were captured and were made prisoners in there.

In other words, she captures a lot of people and make them her prisoners instead of just hiring people, but its free when you capture a person so...of course she chose to capture people instead of hiring them. And it would also make the people who she captures fall in despair so thats another good thing about capturing them.

"I'm really sorry about all of this...I didn't mean to capture you all, its just... Junko-san would kill me if I had disobeyed her..." Said a girl who was the one that apparently had captured the 9 people. She was wearing a brown coat with a hood covering most of her face, she also seemed to have short red hair. The girl just faced her head to the floor.

"...." There was no reply from the prisoners. Everyone was just waiting for the gates to open while either staring at the hard, rocky floor, looking up at the gates hoping that they would open slower so they may have time to run away or just basically staring at the castle that would soon be their new "home".

After about 3 minutes had passed, the gates finally opened.

There were two men waiting infront of the gates standing and looking at the prisoners rather curiously. I mean they were made to stay in the castle for quite a long time.

"Their the new prisoners that Junko-san had told me to capture yesterday." The red haired girl said, her face was still facing the floor while she said to the two guards that were still staring curiously at the new prisoners, before suddenly hearing a person behind them.

"Ahem.." The two guards realised who it was and went back to were they were standing before and saluted to the person.

It seemed to be a young woman, about the age of 17 maybe? She had freckles and had short black hair. She seemed to be the guards leader or something.

"Mahiru who are these people?" The lady said looking straight into the red haired girls face, which seemed that her name was Mahiru. Mahiru only looked away from the woman's stern gaze.

"Th-Their the pri-prisoners that Junko-san- I mean Queen Junko h-ha-had asked me to bring here Mukuro-san..." Mahiru was now still looking at the floor and continued avoiding the lady's, Mukuro's, gaze.

"I see... Then do let them in to their prison cells quickly before my sister punishes you for taking too long." Mukuro said while still looking at Mahiru.

A drop of sweat came down from Mahiru's face. "Y-yes Ma'am!" Mahiru replied now looking at Mukuro's face.

Mukuro finally left and Mahiru quickly got the 9 prisoners quickly into the castle.


"Hey red-haired lady!" All of a sudden a voice could be heard, it sounded a little like a small boy.

"Hm?" Mahiru turned around to see one of the prisoners calling her.

"What do you want?" Mahiru asked looking at the prisoner. Every single one of the prisoners hands were tied up and they were left at least one meter apart from each other, so they couldn't comunicate that much.

"Get me out of here. This place is boooooringg." The short prisoner said draging the 'o's. The prisoner had purple hair and his face showed that he seemed really bored or annoyed...more of annoyed though.

Mahiru ignored the boy and continued leading the prisoners into their cells.

~ « ☀︎︎ » ~

"Rantaro Amami....go into that cell, cell number 1675. Korekiyo Shinguji, Kokichi Ouma and Gonta Gokuhara. Same cell as Rantaro Amami." The red haired girl said pointing to a cell that had the number 1675 above it.

"Ok the rest follow me" Mahiru said signalling the other five to follow her to a cell nearby which was just beside the previous prison cell.

Each level of the castle has at leasts two cells at each level in every block, Kokichi was able to look at Mahiru's name list thing and it seems that there are about 400 prisoners in the castle altogether.

Man this place is reaaally boring

Kokichi thought while dangling his hands out of the bar and leaning his arm on top of the key whole thing, he faced his head down feeling rather tired from the journey he had just now, he had to walk the whole time so he felt rather exhausted too.

The purple-haired boy was stuck in a cell with three other people, his childhood friend and two more people that he has no idea who they were at all, or maybe he does...Who knows? Kokichi was known to be a liar in his city and usually causes trouble with his friend, Rantaro Amami, and since he was a liar, he usually forgets a lot of things now and then.

Well its more of Kokichi and his secret evil organisation that causes the troubles than him and Rantaro. His organisation consists of 10 people, well it used to be 10 now its more than 10, 000 from all around the world. Of course Kokichi was really proud of this. What does DICE do?Well they usually make harmless pranks around the world, they are against murder, but they will do it if they must, other than that they usually steal things, like rob banks and steal candy from candy stores.

No police, detective or anyone has known that the pranks were done by DICE yet so they were never caught. They were all good at lying and hiding things so that would be one of the reasons why they were never caught too.

(a/n: if your wondering who are the other members well their the kokichi kinnies, simps, stans and basically anyone who wanted to join D.I.C.E.)

Tap tap tap...

All of a sudden foot steps could be heard, rather loud footsteps.

Wow this person is probably wearing very heavy shoes.., or maybe their an elephant...pfft-

Kokichi giggled at the thought but soon the person appeared right in front of him while he was still in his cell, dangling his hands out of the bar.

"Why hello there, Kokichi Ouma." All of a sudden the voice of the person which was in front of kokichi could be heard. Her voice sounded rather intimidating but it didn't scare Kokichi, he was used to hearing intimidating voices, you know..because he is a leader of a secret evil organisation so he got used to it.

"Well then, hello there Junk food Enoshima." Kokichi replied back sounding rather annoyed to the person while looking up to see her smiley intimidating face.


a/n: hai! This is my first chapter to my new story i hope you enjoyed it so far >:) I'm doing two stories at once and it can be rather tiring but im not sure if i really should continue my Ushiten story but anyways sayonara and have a nice day reader-san/senpai!

Word count: 1360

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