The Guard

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"Aww, c'mon Kokichi-kun~ you don't have to be so rude you knowww~" Junko said her face suddenly changing from an intimidating one to a puppy looking one.

"Tch, you literally tried to kill all of my members especially my favourite 10 members." Kokichi replied in an annoyed tone once again while he rolled his eyes.

"Awww I'm so so sorry, not, for that 'kichi-kun~"

The nickname made Kokichi cringe, sure he had been called that a few times and he does not mind much about it but when Junko said it he felt like he just wanted to puke.

"You're not gonna do anything bad to any of them while I'm stuck in here, are you?" Kokichi replied staring straight into Junko's light blue eyes.

", I'll have to admit your members really are good at hiding, but even if I find them I'm not going to do anything to them~ Don't worry 'kichi-kun~" Again Kokichi just made a disgusted face at Junko, he couldn't stand her voice especially after what she had tried to do with his members in D.I.C.E.

"Anyways, all 9 of you will be trapped in this place for as long as I want~" Junko replied about 30 seconds later.

"And how long is that ?" Rantaro asked with the same tone as what Kokichi used, the annoyed-sounding tone. He shot a glare at Junko, making Junko give him that smirk. The one she gave too Kokichi before.

"It depends on your usefulness, but don't think that if your useless I'll let run around free without a consequence either. Most of the people here have lived about 3 years already" Junko boasted, still having that intimidating smirk on her face.

"Anyways, my stupid robot like broken down so i have to go now, just ask one of the guards that will come here to take care of your cell or someone other questions, oh! Also I'll give ya'll your uniforms soon so now byeee!" The bleached-strawberry blond haired girl waved goodbye to the prisoners and left running to possibly where her broken robot was at.

Kokichi and Junko were enemy's, sort of, both have their own evil organisations but they used each other's organisations differently.

For Junko, she uses her members rather similiar with Kokichi's, they rob banks, commit murders, they don't do pranks though, just that she uses it for one main reason...for despair. She loves despair so much she would do anything for it. (Best danganronapa ship, Junko x Despair-Chan).

Kokichi's organisation on the other hand just do whatever they want to satisfy themselves and part of the reason is to help Kokichi to rule the world too. They are really good people actually and they are very and i mean very loyal to their leader. Unlike Junko's organisation, they do things not for despair its just mostly for fun really.

Junko knows how much Kokichi's members mean to him so she tried killing all of them once, she failed at that though beceause Kokichi made sure that they were all safe and not killed by that mad woman. Junko tried to kill Kokichi's members because she wanted to see the despair in Kokichi's eyes when he finds all of them dead.

Of all the other people that could've captured me, why that women..

Kokichi thought, looking down at the hard cement floor. That place truly was a boring place to him, if only he could escape.

There were two other men in the cell with Kokichi and Rantaro, Korekiyo Shinguji and Gonta Gokuhara. They seem to be normal people, they were talking with each other but Kokichi didn't bother eavesdropping at what they were talking about unlike usually.

Rantaro leaned on a wall while crossing his hands, he just stared at Kokichi hoping that the panta loving gremlin can figure out a way to get out of that cell.

Rantaro was Kokichi's close friend, they have known each other since a very young age. Partly because both of their parents are also close friends with each other. Unlike Kokichi though, Rantaro doesn't really like getting into trouble but when you have a person that wants to conquer the whole world and has a secret, evil organisation of 10, 000 people as a friend, you don't really have a choice.

Cling cling cling cling!

All of a sudden loud chain-like sounds could be heard. Everyone in the cell and the cell beside Rantaro and Kokichi turned their head almost automatically to where the sound seem to be heard from, and apparently it was down stairs.

A young men appeared all of sudden followed by a young women with black hair with some white stripes here and there and some pink, blue and white stripes on her fringe and with what seemed like two cones on her head, and another male climbing up the stairs.

One male was rather short and rather plum he had what it seemed to be a white-colored chef attire on and like any other person in the castle, he had a despairful face. He also had rather dark brown colour hair.

The other male on the other hand had raven colured hair and was rather skinny and tall, taller than Kokichi that is. He was wearing a navy-black..ish coloured uniform on top of a collared white shirt. He wore pants that were the exact same colour as his uniform. The ravenette had chains hanging out of his left pocket and he also had hanfcuffs on the other pocket. And other than those things there were more accesories.

The raven-haired guy looks interesting...I guess his the guard that mad woman had referred to. But i wonder if he's actually nice.

Kokichi thought while staring at that one ravenette that was among the three people. But just when Kokichi thought that that was all. Another male came up the stairs. He wore a similiar uniform like that ravenette boy, his hair was black and he had some of his hair clipped together while the others just covered most of his face. His hair reminded Kokichi about hentai protagonists but instead of his fringe covering both eyes, you could see one of his deadly looking yellow eyes.

The black-haired male looked rather tired yet dangerous. He seemed like he was so sick and tired of his work. He had rather light eye bags almost not visible but you can still clearly see them under both of his eyes.

I'm guessing he's another guard. Both guards look interesting...

Kokichi thought smirking on imagining of all the things he could do to them, like tricking them to letting all the prisoners out, playing around with them until they get sick and tired of him until they have no other choice but to let them out...But for now he just needs to learn more about them.

☁︎ ☘︎ ♕︎ ☘︎ ☁︎

a/n: I don't really like the very fast type of love story coz they dont usually make sense like how you look at someone and just like "yeah im gonna love this person and their gonna be my lover" so expect for the realtionship to be rather slow in my stories (●'◡'●)ノ i apologise if you don't like slow relationships, actually i usually look at some anime characters and fall in love with them instantly but thats a different thing-
Anyways i hope you like this chapter and see you in the next one reader-san/senpai :D

Word count: 1258

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