Fear In The Eyes Of The Guards

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(⚠️Warning: This chapter includes burning of innocent people, and some cussing if you are uncomfortable with these things you can skip this chapter. And like the previous chapter, I would put a similiar sign from when it starts and ends. I hope you enjoy this tho :) ⚠️)

The two finally went up the never ending spiral staircases onto the fourth floor of the castle.

Once they reached the cell, Kokichi let go of Shuichi's arm and ran up to the front of the cell gates where Rantaro and other two unknown humans were in.

"Amami-Chan! Did you miss me, your dear best friend hmm?"


"Huh?! YOUR SO MEAAAN WHHAAAAAAAAAAA" Kokichi screamed while streaming out aggresive crocodile tears after hearing his friend's response.

Rantaro just rolled his eyes and chuckled a little. Ryuu just stared with little to no emotions at the crying gremlin. Shuichi...well Shuichi panicked. But Ryuu just stopped Shuichi from going to the gremlin, knowing that those were just crocodile tears as Rantaro had told him, by holding onto the ravenette's long greyish-black coloured uniform sleeves and shaking his head to signal 'no' to the other male when he turned his head around to face the black-haired male.

"Haha that was just a lie! Wait you guys didn't even have the slightest pity for lil' me?! You all seriously are evil hmph" The purple-haired male said, stopping crying almost instantly in the blink of an eye.

Shuichi looked at the shorter male in confusion and surprise. Ryuu just gave a small smile.

"W-what was that-" The ravennette asked, still confused on what he witnessed.

Ryuu pulled Shuichi closer to him and explained while Rantaro went to ask Kokichi some....questions basically to tease him after Shuichi had opened the cell gates and brought Kokichi in.

"So what did you two do? In the bath together hm? You were so clingy to him just now."

"Oh I just bathed and he was just his usual self" Kokichi replied looking up onto the grey brick walls. ( Well not for long kokichi >:) )

"Yeah right"

"No I'm serious this time!"

"Ok ok I believe you" Rantaro replied with a small chuckle before being slapped on his right shoulder by he's friend because Kokichi was not able to reach Rantaro's head.

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"Humanity can be very nice at times see Gonta?"

"Mhm, Gonta agree with Korekiyo's statement!" The brown, green-haired male replied with a smile. The other just lightly blushed at the other's response and went back to analysing the cell room on ways to escape with his "friend".

Gonta on the other hand went to observe closely at two colourful beetles that were on the small, rectangular, opened windows at the back of the cell.

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"Hey Saihara-kun..."

"Yeah Ryuu-kun? What is it?"

"You know I'm starting to think that this place isn't like a prison but more of a "love" hotel or something like that.." The black haired male said softly the last part trying not to catch any of the other guards attention in the canteen.

"W-Why'd you say that?"

"I heard from one if the maids, uhh Kirumi was it? That she had heard some...noises from the bottom cells..the one where Hajime-san take cares of..."

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