Open Doors

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A gentle voice could be heard as Kokichi opened his eyes slowly, seeing a female in a nurse uniform.

The female had choppy purple hair and a very sorry face.

"Wh-Where am I- " Kokichi got cut off as he felt a stinging pain on the back of his head. He rubbed the spot were it hurt and realised that there was a bandage around his whole head.

Did I do something wrong to anger Amami-Chan again..

Kokichi thought as he sat up from the bed...


The male realised that he was in an unknown room and there was a heart rate reader machine beside him. He looked around the room and realised that he was in a room that seemed like a hospital ward with curtains separating some people he did not recognise in front of him and beside him.

"A-AH! D-D-DON'T M-MO-MOVE PL-PLEASE!" The female nurse said as she rushed to Kokichi's side and tightened the bandage around his head a little more.

"That hurts" The small male replied as he stared at the female in slight annoyance.

"I-I-I a-am so s-so s-so sor-sorry- Eep-" The female replied as she backed away from the other in fear.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to apologise. Its not your fault that my head hurts" Kokichi replied as he looked away from the nurse and landed his eyes on his hands which were neatly bandaged up like his head.

Ew, why did i sound so nice

The nurse nodded as she left the short other alone, as she pulled the curtains so Kokichi was unable to look out of small little space and then she went into another place to assist another one of her patients.

How did I end up here...Wasn't I in the castle a few minutes ago...or hours..

Kokichi wondered as he fiddled with the hem of his blanket that was covering his sore legs.

"Oh, Kokichi your up?" The male lifted his head up to see a familiar green-haired male opening the curtains slightly.

"Oh Amami-Chan" Kokichi said as he felt his mood lift up a little.

"I mean of course, who else do think I am? Your mum?" The taller replied rolling his eyes, mimicking Kokichi and entered the small space where Kokichi was in. He sat on one side of Kokichi's bed gently, not trying to make any move that could hurt the small male any more.

The shorter male giggled at the others remark before asking the other where they were.

"Oh we're still in the castle..but apparently that Junko women had placed in some 'nightmare gas' things into the whole castle while everyone was alseep so thats why we all had those dreams or memories. Apparently those dreams or memories had affected us physically as well."

"What do you mean-" Before the small male was able to continue, the memory of what had happened that night came flooding back into his mind.

So that was just a dream..? Not reality..

The male looked away from his friend.

"Kokichi, are you okay there?"

"Yeah of course I am, I am the Supreme Leader of Evil after all" Kokichi only replied proudly before the other sighed and got up from the bed.

It was only then Kokichi realised that his friend had both his arms and neck bandaged.

What did Amami-Chan ever dream of to get that many bruises or scars..

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