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The four new people climbed up the stairs, the black-haired male was yawning while holding what seemed to be a long, thin sword with him, the ravenette in front of him had also carried a similiar sword with himself just like the other.

The women was carrying something that seemed to be a huge, brown-coloured leather bag. The male wearing the chef outfit that was infront of all the others was holding trays of food.

"Good morning my name is Teruteru Hanamura, I am the castle's chef and I have came here to give you all your lunch for today. Do not worry it is not poisonous I made sure of that . The young lady beside me is Ibuki Mioda, she would pass you your attires and trackers, which are like chokers, to you after you all have eaten."

"Hi I'm Ibuki, Queen Junko's servant, well everyone is her servant in here Queen Junko said that if I am too nice to you all I may get tortured... I apologise for not giving such a warm welcome!"  The lady, Ibuki, replied feeling a little guilty, she bowed down to them while holding the leather bag in both of her hands.

The prisoners that were in their cells just kept quiet and looked at Ibuki, they did not want Ibuki to feel more worse so they did not reply except nod a little, understanding Ibuki.

That woman needs to stop she's torturing more and more people. What the hell is wrong with her?!

Rantaro thought. Feeling angry about what Junko had done to those people. Sure he had done a lot of troubles in his city where he lived ( partly the reason being because of kokichi-) but nonetheless, he still cared about how others feel. He had a feeling that Kokichi was thinking something similiar with him too, they were friends for a long time so of course he would know how he thinks and so on. And Kokichi was actually a nice person under all that mask of lies and sins.

"The two young men over there are your guards there would be one guard taking care of each cell and they have shifts by swapping of taking care of each cell. They would only be swapping between cell 1675 and 1676, which is the two cells in this level. The one at the back, his name is Ryu Tatsuya, The male in front of him, his name is Shuichi Saihara."

Shuichi bowed down slightly at the prisoners while Ryu on the other hand just bowed his head, still probably sleepy.

"Aaahh..Don't mind him he didn't sleep well for a few days lately..." The emo-looking ravenette responded looking at his partner beside him rather worriedly, his partner responded with a soft yawn.

The prisoners in the cells nodded their heads showing that they understood and soon Teruteru placed their meals in a small door thing at the bottom of each cell door and left. Ibuki passed the leather bag that she had carried to Shuichi and left too saying that Junko had called for her.

Shuichi just nodded and afterwards pat Ryu's back softly trying to wake him up a little. Ryu's eyes shot open a little showing his yellow eyes, they looked so similar to a cat's but a little more different...

"Please e-enjoy your meal, don't worry their not poisonous. No one in this castle wants anyone else to die anyway, we treat each other like friends for now okay...? Ryu will tell the rules and give out your uniforms after your meals, if you need anything do ask any of the two of us." Shuichi replied his voice was calming and sweet to hear. That got rid of a little remain of tension and stress between the prisoners which were in the cells.

"Wait...why me..?" Ryu asked Shuichi, looking straight into his yellowish grey eyes confused, while he tilted his head to his left a little.

"W-well you need to be more awake. You did drink your coffee today didn't you..?" Shuichi asked the worry on his face looking even more worried.

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