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After everyone had finished their meal and drinks, Shuichi collected the plates, cups, trays and all and stacked them up and went down stairs again to return the things to 73907390, or Teruteru.

While waiting for the emo guard to come back, Ryu told the prisoners the rules and such.

"In this place Junko-san made rules, but mostly no one really listens to them...anyway, the first rule is that you are only allowed to eat the food, at the specific times given. You cannot eat or finish the food at whatever time you like."

"Come on, what type of rule is that?" The girl with messy brown hair previously asked.

"I...I don't even know either"

"Second rule, do not communicate or stay awake at 10 pm until 5 am, you all should be a..as..lee..l..ep? I, I don't know how to pronounce that word, by then already unless you are a guard."

"Asleep you mean?" Rantaro asked teasing Ryu back a little.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Rule three, no killing "Queen" Junko unless she told you to do so."

"Rule 4 no exchange of, trackers, uniforms, passwords, code names and things like that are allowed."

"And last rule, rule 5 if you are not fashionable, you may get
executed for that too."

"YOU WHAT-" All the prisoners that were in their cells exclaimed in unison obviously confused.

"Junko-san is a fashionista what would you expect. She doesn't usually like plain things."

"We meant the execution part." One female said who was in her prison cell, holding tightly onto the bars of the cell door.

"Oh that, you will get what Junko-san call's as execution or punishment. But you'll either get tazered at the highest level of the castle until you fall straight down onto the grass floor or something worse..."

"Like..?" Kokichi asked obviously curious.

"Did you..nevermind. You would not want to know that."

All the prisoners nodded showing that they understood.

"Ok now you will all get a choker and choose your uniform sizes one by one, Shuichi-kun will come here soon while I take one by one of you all into a room just down one level from here."

All the prisoners did was nod.

"H-Hey I'm back" The ravenette guard had came back after, just soon after Ryu had finished speaking his announcement.

"Well speak of the devil. Did you get the card while coming here?" The black-haired male said asking the other guard which was just beside him.

"Yes I did. You know the guard rules right, even if we don't want to follow them we must okay..?"

"Mhm, can you help get an extra guard to take care of the cell, I may need your help in bringing each prisoner one by one into the room while I stay in that room. I feel too lazy to collect them every moment."

"Actually I had a feeling you said that so I called Harukawa-Chan to come"

"Wait..you called, Harukawa-Chan of all the other 87 guards in this place-"

"Yeah..Is there a problem? I heard that she got second place in being known as the best guard this year after Hajime-san.."

"No no I'm fine with it, but we have a prisoner that she might not like..."

"Who- Oh, ah I see than should I call Hajime-san or Naegi-san instead?"

"I think Naegi-san. He's the closest guard in our block for now."

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