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Maya's POV
    I woke up the next morning, feeling drowsy from whatever Luke and Ashton gave me last night. It took me a second to fully wake up to see an empty room figuring it was later in the day Luke and Ashton probably had to go do their jobs. I touched my nose feeling the oxygen tube under my nose. It actually made me feel better than usual like I wasn't as dizzy and sick as I felt before but I still took it off. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world.  I didn't like feeling helpless and that's what it did. Reaching for my phone to see the time 12:50 it read on the screen. Wow, that medicine was strong I usually woke up around 8 or 9. I turned on a movie while waiting for Marie and starting the day. She walked in about a half-hour later.

" Good morning, nice to see you awake feeling any better?" she asked sitting on the edge of the bed. 

" Yeah, I don't feel as tired or nauseous just a bit dizzy."
She grabbed the chart on the table and began writing my vitals and oxygen levels onto my chart. 

" Your levels went back up so you should feel better soon. Why don't u take a walk with me to get some breakfast?" she sailed cheerfully

"I would love that" saying wanting nothing more than some fresh air and to get out of my room. Marie took out my IV and all the other dozen monitors they used. I went to the bathroom took a quick shower changing into some leggings and hoodies. I walked outside to the nurse's station to see Marie.

" Ready?" I asked

" Yup," she said while popping the p. 

As we walked we talked about The Office which was our favorite show. She watched a few episodes with me when she could.

" My favorite was most definitely when Jim puts his stapler in the jello," I said obviously we were arguing which Jim prank was the best.

" No, it is most definitely when he dresses as Dwight."

" Don't get me wrong it's a good prank but not the best" I shook my head

We continued to disagree until we reached the cafeteria when we ran into Ashton.

" Actually, Your both wrong the bets Jim prank is most definitely when he convinced Dwight he was in the CIA" Ashton stated

We all laughed surprised at his remark. 

" Hello Maya, Marie nice to see you up and walking around," he stated while looking at Marie. They were around the same age. 

He was giving her the look, I thought to myself. I was now going to make it my personal goal to get them to hang out there was definitely some chemistry there. I totally shipped it he seemed nice. They continued talking for a bit before Ashton left.

" He liked you," I stated

" He did not we were just talking Maya," she said blushing. Oh, I definitely ship it now. We grabbed trays for food and Marie got some oatmeal while I ate some eggs. I enjoyed talking to Marie she was a mother figure to me more than the one I had. I felt like I could tell her anything I appreciated how motherly she acted towards me.

" Thank you, Marie, for everything you're the mother figure that I missed in my life, and for that I really am thankful"  Marie just stared at me and slowly put down her spoon.

" Of course Maya believe it or not you mean more to me than I probably mean more to you" she smiled. 

We soon walked back to our floor Marie's break ending soon. She walked me to my room and made sure to connect all the monitors back up. I watched some Netflix before taking my usual nap.

A few hours later I woke up to someone playing with my hair. it was a bit strange since Marie just spoke to me and Luke usually rubbed my hand or arm. I open my eyes surprised to see my mother. I didn't know whether to be happy or not.

" Hi sweetie," she said

" What are you doing here," I asked while sitting up in my bed and moving away from her.

" I wanted to see you. Can a mother not see her daughter?"

" If you want to see me so badly why do you only come around once a month" at this point she was getting on my nerves

" I wanted to apologize I know I am not here very often and I am so sorry could we please start fresh?" I really did want a relationship with my mother and I do think she has good intentions. I mean it's not like I could say no to her, after all, she is my mother and the involved family I had.

" I will give you one more chance," I said to her she smiled back gratefully.

 We spent the rest of the day getting to know each other better. Apparently, my Mother had lost her last job and was now working at a dinner not far from the hospital so she could see me more often.

        Marie walked into the room writing down stuff in my chart and giving me my night meds. My Mom began asking questions to Marie about my health. I listened for a while before zoning out into the movie we had put on. After about 10 minutes they switched the topic to some show they both watched. T For the first time in a while, I had felt very happy my mom was here talking and laughing with Marie, and I didn't feel alone. Marie left about 20 minutes later before reminding me and my Mom of my doctor's appointment with Luke and Ashton tomorrow.

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