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  The fateful day finally came. It was around 10 when I woke up. I decided to take a shower and change because I didn't know the next time I would be able to take a shower. I did some online school work even though Luke said he talked to my teacher and she was going to let me skip this week and next. After that it was about 1. I groaned time never flew by this quickly usually.

" What's wrong girly?" Marie asked with my morning med dose.

" Just don't wanna do surgery" I explained to her on the verge of tears. She put down the container she was holding and bent down to hug me and that's went the tears came flooding out. My mom walked in the room as we were hugging.

" What's wrong baby?"

" Just some pre-surgery jitters nothing to worry about because she's gonna do great and the guys are gonna be there" Marie answered mostly to me more than my mother.

" Where were you yesterday" I asked my mom

" Oh I was at a friends she needed some help" of course a friends.

    A friend is more important than you own daughter about to have surgery. At this point I kinda wanted to stay at the hospital instead of staying with my Mom for the break me and Luke agreed to. On the other side though I needed a break from this room. Marie turned on a movie to keep me distracted before leaving me with my mom.

" Luke told me you can come home for a month that's great!" my mom spoke

" Yeah we could do some stuff together" I said

" Yes, I would love that and I can introduce you to my co-workers at the restaurant." she actually seemed excited maybe I was just being harsh towards her.

Sadly prepping came sooner than I thought. The guys walked into the room and I almost wanted to yell at them to get out. I groaned
" Well hello to you to pretty girl" Luke laughed

" Get dressed into this and just leave on your shorts and bra." Calum told me handing me a paper gown. I left to go change and tied all the ties before coming back.

" Do you guys like my fit?" I asked them holding up a peace sign

" Totally, it brings out your eyes" Ash stated I walked back to my bed which they had replaced to one with wheels so they could bring me into the OR. I climbed onto the bed as they looked to me.

" I'm just going to put a IV in then give you a relaxer." Micheal spoke I looked to Luke and he came over to hold my hand while Micheal did it.

" See you did great!" Luke praised me

" Your gonna feel pretty good soon" Calum said the guys then introduced themselves to my mom. I was too busy in my own world to focus on what was happening. I started feeling all loopy and giddy.

" Luke" I whined

" What's up pretty girl?"

" The rooms spinning" I told him trying to focus my eyes on the ceiling.

" Ok i'm gonna give you some oxygen and a different relaxer okay?" I nodded completely out of it. Luke laughed and gave me a hug.

" Me Micheal and Ash have to go but we will see you in a bit ok?"

" Okay see u later dudes!" they all busted out laughing

" later dude!" Ash responded once they left I turned to Micheal.

" How am I supposed to trust him if he doesn't even know a dude from a dudette" Micheal didn't even know what to say he just laughed with my mom and kissed the top of my head. Mom put my hair in a messy bun as Micheal put the cap on my head. They said her final goodbye to me but I didn't know what was going on, the relaxer luke gave me was really showing it's power. I said bye to Marie and all the nurses with waves and we were on our way.

Luke's POV
She was wheeled into the OR completely out of it which means and the guys laughed at. I lifted her from the bed and onto the OR bed covering her with a blanket from the waist down and pulling up her gown so we could see her stomach. I looked at her starring up at me, she showed clear signs of anxiety and her heart rate was continuing to climb. She grabbed my hand confirming my suspicion.

" Maya it's Luke your totally okay and everything's fine." She looked to me with tears in her eyes.

I knew at this moment she just needed to be knocked out. I nodded to the doctor and he put the medicine in her IV.

" Your going to feel a cold rush in your arm pretty girl but it's nothing to worry about." he grabbed the mask to put over her face and handed it to me.

" This is going to make you fall asleep and we will see you in a little bit just try to breathe normally and count backwards from 10" I told her softly she nodded and I placed it on her face.

" 10....9.....8....." After eight she stopped and her eyes closed.

" And she's gone" he told me as I felt my hand go relaxed.

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