~ thirty two~

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Maya's POV

~ 2 years later ~

Everything has been good lately I had just graduated high school a few months ago and had my pick of colleges I decided I definitely wanted something in the medical field I was still thinking about biomedical engineering or maybe a child behavior specialist they both interested me so It didn't matter too much which one I picked. The guys were amazing they had just got promoted and were now running the hospitals new cystic fibrous treatment center. It was helping so many people and I couldn't be happier for them. Today was a really special day it was Marie and Ashtons wedding I was the maid of honor of course and a few nurses Marie is friends with were also bridesmaid since she was an only child. All the girls had gone to get ready doing our hair and makeup while chatting I was actually having such a fun time. All the bridesmaids had gotten dressed and were waiting for Marie to make her appearance. She walked in the room making us all gasp she looked drop dead gorgeous.

" oh my god you look so pretty" I told her hugging her

" thank you baby you look so pretty as well"

" come on we've got a wedding to get too!" making her squeal

We arrived at the outdoor ceremony getting ready to walk down the aisle. The guys were all best men for Ashton so I got to walk down the aisle with Luke. We made eye contact and went over to each other and he pulled me into a hug.

" you look amazing pretty girl"

" you too dad" I said tearing up

" you look so grown up" he said tearing up as well

" no, shut up your going to make me cry and I can't cry" I said making Calum fan my eyes which caused me to laugh. The music began and we walked down the aisle Aston cried seeing Marie in her dress making me smile they really were made for each other. It was certainly a night we could never forget we partied hard and it had reached the time for me to say a few words to them. I walked up to the mic with a paper in my hand I had written down my speech beforehand to make sure it was perfect.

" Hi everyone i'm Ashton's honorary daughter when I had first met Marie I was around 12 years old facing a terminal illness by myself no one to comfort me that was until Marie came around she bonded with me almost immediately and was a totally mom figure, fun fact if you refuse to take you medicine she will sit there starring at you for 4 hours until you do and trust me you will take it because as kind as she is she can be very scary " I said making everyone chuckle

" a few years later Ashton and the guys had been placed on my team at first I thought they were just going to be a bunch of out of shape 60 year old guys so it quite surprised me when they arrived. I've been through some tough situations in my life but they were always there to buy me ice cream or listen to me rant about a random boy who broke my heart. Which looking back I am so sorry you had to deal with that but they dried every tear and sometimes cried with me" causing a laugh among the guests

" when I had to get a transplant they always said that I was going to be there miracle but what they didn't realize was they were already mine, I guess what I am trying to say is that these amazing individuals beside made me everything I am today and they deserve nothing less than the world, because they are what helped me truly breathe "


AHH!! Guys I finished my first book!! Thank you for reading I hope you liked it! I am making another book so go and read Learning to Save! I will be doing a Q and A so comment some questions and the person you are asking it towards I will do any characters or even writer if you wish. Please vote! ❤️❤️❤️

Breathe Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang