~twenty four~

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Maya's POV

Emotions, they make us human, they make us feel things. They are more powerful than you think, they influence your views, your actions the way you live your life but what surprises me the most is how people can change those feelings in seconds, changing everything in a matter of minutes. You forget the way you lived before and continue on with a new way of looking at things, a new way of living. That's what the boys and did for me they changed my way of thinking, of feeling of living for the better. I awe everything I am because of them and for that I forever grateful.

After our celebration last night we all cuddled up and slept contently knowing what the future had in store for us. The thought of surgery was so scary to me but this time I was oddly calmer, which would probably change once they explained the surgery to me. It was early in the morning the sun not even rising yet, I was in the arms of luke as he slept soundly. I couldn't sleep but it was quite peaceful. I smiled looking at Ash and Marie cuddling each other it was cute to see, I hope he would ask her out already. I watched the sun rise from the window before Ash's alarm went off making the other groan out. To my surprise everyone was now awake except for Ash who was snoring still making me giggle as luke pulled me closer to him.

" Ashton shut that off" Calum said his voice muffled due to his head being buried in a pillow. Ash still didn't move making Michael get up and hit him with his pillow repeatedly till he finally woke up.

" dude that was unnecessary" Ash said stopping the alarm and kissing Marie's forehead making me gasp Marie spoke up hearing my excitement

" Maya I think he likes me too" Marie said in Ash's arms

" AHH" I said bitting my nails

" can I be a bridesmaid i've always wanted to be one like in the movies and we could get our hair and makeup done, pick out a dress-"

" woah woah cool it I haven't even asked her to be my official girlfriend yet." Ash said laughing

" well what are you waiting for come on Ash" I said jokingly

we sat talking for a while before they left to clock in for the day as I sat watching a movie. They came back a few minutes later in their scrubs and white coats.

" Okay girlie so here's how its gonna go, in a few minutes we will start prepping you give you an IV and a relaxer to calm some nerves. Then we will go scrub in Marie will be be with you and take you to the OR were you will meet up with us and you just take a good nap." Michael told me I nodded and acted like I knew what he was trying to explain.

" how long is it going to take?" I asked

" since it is a more complex surgery because we are transplanting new lungs to replace your sick ones so it could take 9 hours" luke said rubbing my hand.

" 9 hours" I said surprised

" is it going to hurt"

" no, no you won't feel anything we will give you anesthesia and a bunch of pain kills after" Calum told her

" how am I going to breathe if you have to take my lungs out to transplant them" I said genuinely couscous. They all exchanged eye contact like they didn't want to tell me.

" Once you fall asleep we will place a tube down your throat that breathes for you, and once the surgery is done we will take it out so you won't even be awake when it is in" Ash told me making me go quiet thinking about this whole thing.

" is our girl okay?" Michael asked looking at me

" yeah just nervous" I said causing a group hug that lasted for a good few seconds all the emotions caused a few tears to slide down my face. Marie wiped them her eyes watering too

" nope you'r not allowed to cry because if you cry then i'll cry" Marie said half laughing pulling me into another hug

" come on let's go beat CF's ass!" she yelled grabbing me leading me towards the bathroom handing me a hospital gown. I smiled and thanked her going to change. I walked out of the bathroom strutting back to my bed like a runway posing.

" this is my fit of the day super cute from Gucci of course" making the boys laugh

" if you love that dress your gonna love this hat" Ash said letting Marie put my hair into a bun before putting on a mesh blue hair cap

" oh my gosh yes! its perfect exactly what it was missing thank you Ash" I said making him bow

" Ok pretty girl come sit on the bed please" luke said preparing stuff for my IV. I sat on my bed hugging Ash Marie holding my other hand as luke did the IV.

" I'm going to give you a relaxer so just stay laying down relaxed and don't try to get up because it made you dizzy the last time and you gave me a heart attack" luke said smiling

" don't remember that but I won't" I said smiling Marie played The Office on her phone our favorite show as people moved through the room.

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