~ twenty seven~

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Maya's POV

I woke up from Calum taking my laptop off me as he chuckled. He moved the hair from my face and kissed my forehead. Micheal sat on the chair next to me playing on his phone.

" what do you want for dinner?"

" can we get chick fil a" I asked knowing I probably wasn't supposed to be eating anything but hospital food

" pleaseee" I begged them. They made eye contact before sighing and agreeing they ordered the food and had it delivered to the hospital. He handed me my nuggets and waffle fries making me do a little dance of victory.

" everyone eat before Ashton and Luke come back" Micheal said putting a fry in his mouth

" what are we doing before Ashton and Luke come back? " Ash asked walking into the room making me jump and hide my food behind my back

" Uh... just...Uh" I said struggling to make something up

" we wanted to surprise you with.....this really cool pen" Micheal said taking a pen out of his white coat and giving to Luke. Ash walked closer to me pulling my hands to get me to show what I was hiding.

" whats behind your back" Ash asked a smirk on his face

" nothing" I said smiling back. He grabbed my hand making some of my fries spill onto the floor

" heyy not cool I was going to eat those" I pouted while bursting out laughing. Luke gave a disappointed dad look to Calum and Micheal. He walked over to me

" your forgiven if I can get a chicken nugget"

" I can live with that" I said handing him the nugget he sat on the chair next to me I moved over in my bed and made eye contact with Calum telling him to cuddle me. We finished out food and I leaned onto Calum as they talked falling asleep.

Luke's POV

She fell asleep in Calum's arms her chest rising and falling slowly.

" we can probably bring her home after tomorrow" I told them making Michael agree

" are you gonna remove her g tube" Michael asked

" yeah she's not gonna like it but we probably should before she leaves" Aston said

It didn't take long before we too fell asleep. We woke up the next morning and went to do rounds leaving a sleeping Maya with Marie. Ashton was planning on asking her to be his girlfriend today so Maya was going to hang out with her so we could set up everything.

Maya's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around the room. It was just me and Marie, Ash was planning his big date tonight.

" Hey baby did you sleep well?" I nodded

" can we get breakfast after I get ready?"

" sure baby just tell me when you want to leave" she said reading a random magazine that was on the table. I walked into the bathroom taking a quick shower, and brushing my hair and teeth. I changed into some leggings, a baggy tee shirt and a cardigan. I walked back into the room

" i'm readyyyy" I sang looking at her we walked out of the room and headed for the cafeteria

" so how is living with the boys?" she asked

" it's so much fun they are really nice towards me I couldn't imagine it any other way" I told her making her smile

" I bet they are fun to be around." we reached the cafeteria

" Hey girls how we doing today?" Marie asked the workers behind the counter. I loved how kind Marie was to everyone she always greeted everyone with a smile.

" can I just have a bagel please?" I asked and the lady nodded turning around and handing me a paper plate with a plain bagel on it. Marie got a coffee and some oatmeal. We sat down at the tables eating our breakfast.

" so, you and Ash huh" I said smiling making Marie laugh and blush

" he's so nice and compassionate I could really see a future with him" she gushed out making me wanna just scream out his plans for today but I couldn't.

" ahhhh" I squealed

" you guys are like Jim and Pam" I said making her laugh

" kinda" she agreed we finished up our breakfast and walked out the cafeteria

" we should go back I don't want you doing too much" she said making me panic knowing I was supposed to be distracting her from Ash

" no, it's okay I'm totally fine let's go to the gift shop!" I said struggling to find things to do to distract her. I pulled her into the small shop looking around and making conversion with anything I could to stall time.

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