~twenty ~

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Maya's POV

I woke up the next morning to being shook by Calum.

" wake uppp good morning"

" morning what time is it" I asked

" about 4:30 we have 30 minutes till we have to leave so get ready" He said and walked out of the room. Don't get me wrong I loved how passionate the boys were about there jobs but I loved it a little less at 4:30 in the morning. I was definitely not a morning person and it was easily seen. I threw on some leggings and a comfortable but cute tee shirt. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair half asleep before making my way to the hallway to leave.

" Good morning!" Michael said loudly causing me in squint in responser and reply with a soft

" Good morning"

" pretty girl you look like your half asleep" luke laughed I responded with a simple thumbs up.

we arrived at the hospital a half an hour later and made our way to Lukes office. I plopped myself down on the couch. The guys pagers went off causing them to run out of the office yelling goodbye as they did. Once they left it was quite nice it was really quiet and luke's office was nice and warm. I layed down and feel asleep since my school did not start till 7.

~time skip~

It was around 3 and I had finished and was just working on some homework. I decided to bring my laptop down to the cafeteria and get some coffee. I didn't drink coffee very often but I needed it today. I greeted the cafeteria works they were always so nice and positive towards me when I stayed here. I grabbed the coffee and sat down. I was actually making progress on my english essay that I was struggling with this morning I just had to write one more body paragraph then a conclusion and it was finished. A lady walked into the cafeteria about 20 minutes after I had got here and was yelling at the nice lady at the register. I felt bad for her and went to see what was the problem. I grabbed my laptop and threw away my empty cup and approached the women. She was around 40 short blonde hair, and tall.

" Excuse me ma'm" I said tapping me her on the shoulder

" I just noticed you were yelling at this lady and she is just trying to help you so if you could just-" before I could even finish my sentence the lady slammed into me causing her hot coffee to spill over me and my laptop.

" oops sorry didn't see you there" she said fakely before walking out of the cafeteria

" Oh my gosh are you okay honey?" the lady behind the register came out handing me some napkins as the coffee burned me but I was still in shock to notice.

" yes thank you i'm sorry I should go" I grabbed my laptop off the floor before walking back to luke's office. Wait I can't go back like this the guys will kill me if they found out I dashed into the bathroom closest to his office and locked the door. I took off my shirt washing it in the sink to get the stain out. I looked to my laptop which I had totally forgot I was holding. It was covered in coffee.

" no, no, come on please" I spoke to myself panicking trying to turn it on but wasn't getting anywhere. My mom had bought me that laptop almost 5 years ago and I definitely did not have the money for a new one. Plus everything including the paper I just finished was saved on it. I gave up hope sliding down the wall hugging my knees and crying to myself. It wasn't just the laptop it was just all the emotions coming out at once.

Ashton's POV

Me and Calum had just finished a surgery which went successfully.

" let's find Maya and get some lunch"

" sounds good"

We walked through the hospital to luke's office seeing her stuff but not Maya.

" she's probably just at the cafeteria or something come on," Calum said after seeing me panic a bit.

" yeah your right" we walked down to the cafeteria seeing Marie but not Maya.

" Marie have you seen Maya?"

" no, come on guys it's been like a week you can't loose her this quickly" she said joking but her smile faded once she saw our faces and she scoffed

" come on i'll help you look"

" katie have you seen Maya?" she asked one of the cafeteria workers

" yea, she was just here a lady was yelling at Mary and she stood up for her but the lady spilled coffee on her she left quite in a hurry" causing us to get eye contact and quickly leave to get Maya. we checked the whole floor before reaching the bathroom

" i'll check" Marie said knocking on the door

" Maya? It's Marie, Ashton and Calum can you let us in?" she spoke softly

" Page the others" she mouthed to me causing me and Calum to quickly leave to get them.

Maya's POV

I let Marie in the bathroom once Calum and Ash left she pulled me into a hug immediately.

" Baby" she said hugging me tightly through my tears I was just in a bar since my shirt was covered in coffee

" what happened" she asked me

" I ruined my laptop and it had the essay I was working on all day I don't even have the money to replace it"

" shhh" she said immediately

" baby don't worry about the money okay? I'll pay for it if you need but between you and I those boys love you so much you won't ever have to worry about that okay? they aren't going to get upset." she said rubbing my hands. After she finished talking the boys were at the door.

" can I come in pretty girl " luke asked Marie looked at me as I nodded and she opened the door. he walked in and sat on the floor with us

" Ashton told me what happened are you okay?" he asked touching my shoulder which kinda hurt. I figured from the burn

" it's no big deal I just didn't want you to get mad at me" I said honestly

" why would I get made you stood up to that lady today you did a good thing" he said proudly

" I got coffee all over my laptop and it won't turn on and my essay I just finished was on there"

" pretty girl It wasn't even your fault how could I be mad" I shrugged

Calum handed me a shirt to put on since my was ruined and we headed back to luke's office. I spelled of coffee and was kinda sticky lol.

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