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" Maya? Hunny? where are you?" Mom called for me
" I'm outside!" I called out
" time for dinner!" I put down my book and walked into the small kitchen area. She handed me a small bowl of pasta with butter. I smiled and thanked her.
" I usually eat on the couch the kitchen doesn't have enough room for the table just the small breakfast bar." I nodded and followed her she put on Brooklyn 99 which was our favorite show.
" are you still working at the dinner mom?" I asked her
" no I got let go a few weeks ago but I got a job as a cashier at the drug store down the street, I like it people are nicer." she seemed excited about it
" that sounds nice mom maybe i'll come visit when your working!" she smiled back and turned to the tv. We finished and eating watched a few more episodes before getting ready for bed. I took all my meds and put the stuff in my tube it still felt weird but I had a feeling I wouldn't get used to it. My stomach was still a bit swollen but a lot better than before. I took a quick shower and layed in bed. I felt so happy and excited to be home I didn't think I could sleep. I wonder what the boys were doing now probably at home or doing paperwork in Luke's office while singing the random songs they put on. It might sound boring but it definitely wasn't they managed to make everything a funny adventure. I feel asleep not long after.

    " I TOLD YOU SHES NOT READY YOU NEVER LISTEN" my mom screamed waking me up. I jumped out of bed and looked through the door to see who she was yelling at.
" NO IM NOT THE ONE WITH THE PROBLEM" she screamed into her phone. I heard very faint talking back before she hung up and slammed the phone into the table. Who was she talking to? Was it about me? Who was I not ready to meet? my thoughts were cut short by my mom knocking on my door.
" good morning Maya breakfast is on the table" she said quietly. My thoughts were racing was it the guy who answered my moms phone when I called? I slowly walked to the kitchen and sat next to my mom . She looked as if she was in a trance.
" who were you on the phone with?" I blurted out and regretted the second I did. She froze looking at me then answering
" just a friend."
" is it the same friend who answered your phone yesterday afternoon" she looked shocked not knowing what to say but I needed answers.
" that's really non of your business Maya you are the child and I am the adult I will ask the questions about here are we clear" she raised her voice I nodded not wanting to further her anger.
" I have to get to work" she said grabbing her bag and leaving for the door.
" I thought you were off today we were gonna spend it together" I said disappointed
" yeah well the plans changed think of others instead of just yourself Maya" she said before slamming the door. I starred at my cereal bowl moving my cheerios around with the spoon. Something was telling me being home wouldn't be as enjoyable as I thought. I clean my bowl and grabbed my book heading out to the balcony. I read for about 2 hours it was very peaceful. I got lonely and bored fairly quickly I texted Anna and invited her to watch some movies. I made some popcorn and set out blankets waiting for her to arrive. Finally I heard the knock on the door. As soon as I opened it she tacked me into a hug falling into the floor.
" oh my god I can't believe your here!"
" I know I missed you so much" she replied
we sat on the couch cuddling blankets and began gossiping about everything we have missed.
" so there's this guy his name is Kyle he's really nice, we met at a student government meeting we got paired up to talk about the schools dress policy we aren't dating or anything but I really like him and I'm pretty sure he likes me"
" AHHH NO WAY" I screamed
" is he cute?" I asked her
" so cute!" she gushed
" he asked me to the movies on Saturday and I of course said yes but i'm so nervous i've never been on a date what do I wear? what if i mess up?" she panicked
" what if we go to the mall Friday and get you a super cute outfit for your date!" I jumped up
" oh my god yes please" she said
we calmed down and picked out a movie deciding on Pitch Perfect. Me and Anna used to watch it all the time and could quote the movie. We actually learned all of the dances. We danced around the living room singing and having the time of our lives. Moments like this is what I missed in the hospital but this made up for everything. We watched the first 2 movies before getting super lazy and not wanting to finish the 3rd besides everyone knows the 1st one is always the best. Anna softly sung bulletproof which turned into a mini singing party from us on the couch. I would be surprised if the neighbors couldn't hear us. By the time Anna said her mom was on her way we were tried, the popcorn was gone and we had song every song in pitch perfect at least twice. I was sad to see her go but It helped knowing I would see her to go shopping soon.


Thanks for reading!! Sorry for not updating my semester is ending soon and I have a lot of work to finish but i'll update tomorrow! Please vote and comment thanks again!! ❤️

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