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Luke's POV

We finished the surgery about a hour and a half later with thankfully no complications then sent Maya to recovery as we scrubbed out and went to talk to her Mother in the waiting room. It was around 6 o'clock and pretty dark outside. Me and Ash went out into the waiting room to see Marie and Mrs. William chatting while sipping some coffee they stood when they saw us.

" Please tell me it went well" Marie looked to Ash

" Yes everything went great Maya did great we had no complications and the tube is in." He spoke as relief flooded to their faces

" Can we see her?" Mrs. William asked

" She is in recovery right now but once she wakes up I will let you know" she looked annoyed but nodded we left the room and headed for Maya. Micheal and Calum were already there.

Maya's POV
   I woke up slowly feeling Luke rubbing my arm I felt really medicated and pain in my stomach. I opened my eyes groaning.

" Hey, pretty girl welcome back" he laughed I looked around the room to see Calum and Ash sitting on the couch playing on there phones and Micheal sitting in a chair next to Luke farther back from my bed.

" You must be a lightweight when it comes to medicine you've been out for 2 hours since surgery kinda scared us" He laughed out I was half asleep and way to high on meds to comprehend what he was saying.

" Are you in any pain?" I nodded pointing to my stomach he got up and put another shot into my IV.

   I didn't even know it was there I starred at it with wide eyes. The more I woke up the more giddy I felt. The guys laughed at my reaction

" Luke? do you think cereal is soup? Because some people say it is and I can understand why but I just can't eat it knowing it's considered a soup so I say it's not but then again it's kinda like soup" I rambled out while laughing.

They all looked at me not really knowing what to say to my question.

" Um, I wouldn't say it's a soup" he answered

" Can I have some cereal? I asked him he looked at me with a smile

" I can't give you any cereal yet pretty girl i'm sorry" he spoke softly I suddenly felt really sad and just wanted some cereal. Tears began poring down my face.

" Maya don't cry it's okay everything ok there's no reason to cry" Ash said holding my hand and rubbing my knuckles

" I just want some cereal" I whispered while crying Luke and the guys were holding in there laughing trying to be helpful.

" Maya you can't have any cereal yet but how about a ice pop?" Calum stood up and walked towards me I nodded now not caring about cereal and wanting the ice pop.

He came back a few seconds later with a ice pop and a small bowl handing it to me. I swiped my tears on my arm and grabbed the ice pop.

" Do you want to see Marie and your mom?" Calum asked me
" yeah I love them so I want to see them" he smiled and went outside to get them. 

" HI MARIE" I said to her and smiling.

" Hey Maya! Looks like your feeling pretty good!"

" oh yeah I feel amazinggg" everyone in the room laughed at me my mom walked closer to my bed and planted a kiss on my forehead and I pulled her in for a hug.

Micheal put on a movie for me and about a half an hour went by and they still were talking I was getting bored of the movie pretty fast and just wanted my phone so I walked up to get it, losing balance pretty quickly and falling straight on the ground hitting my head on the bed as I went down.  It made a loud sound getting the attention of the adults.

" Maya!" Luke yelled my name as he ran to me as I feel straight onto the floor. I didn't even realize I was falling till I hit the ground. He bent down to me and pushed me down as I tried to get up.

" Stay down Maya I need to make sure your okay." he told me sternly Luke was to my right Ash to my left as Micheal and Calum led my mom out of the room. Marie stood with them waiting for instructions. Luke shined a light in my eye making squint them closed. He put his finger by my eye forcing it open. Rude.

" There's not delay thank god"

" You don't have a concession Maya" Ash simplified for me. Thank god I needed all the brain cells I could get. That's how concussions worked right? I had no idea i'm still very out of it.

" Okay pretty girl i'm going to pick u up and put you back in bed do not move at all because it could move the g tube we just put in" Luke told me and I nodded feeling him pick me up slowly and placing me on the bed putting my covers back onto my body.

" Maya please do not get out of bed unless you tell one of us even if it's just to get your phone okay?" Marie told me sternly I nodded

" i'm sorry " I said with tears slipping out of my eyes

" it's okay" Luke hugged me softly careful of my stomach he held me and rubbed my back until I feel asleep getting some much needed rest.

Luke's POV
    I felt her body go limp and I layed her back in bed sighing. What was this kid doing to me I met her 3 weeks ago and I would do anything for her. No ones ever scared me like she did tonight when she fell. I just wanted to keep her safe. I had to remember she has a family she has a mom and she won't be here forever.

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