chapter 9

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Finally, when it was just the two of them, Dae took his hand and searched his face.

“OK…I have waited long enough!  I want to hear every detail,” she told him.

Taehyung looked away, trying to gather his thoughts.  What could he say?  He did not fully understand it himself.  He had no idea how to explain it to her.

SongDae watched as her oldest friend searched for the answer to her question. 

She frowned. Usually Tae was an open book to her. She could tell immediately if he was angry or hurt and she had learned to recognize the exact moment he decided if he was taking a girl home with him or if his date was out of luck. 

He did not often hide things from her or have difficulty sharing his thoughts when it was just the two of them.  She sat and waited for him to puzzle it out.

Finally, he met her gaze and her heart squeezed at how much she loved him and how much she had missed him. 

She impulsively kissed his face and said “I have missed you so much!”

He smiled and hugged her long and hard, his mind still not settled.  Finally, he decided to tell her just that.

“I swear Dae!  I have no idea what I am doing, “he said, relaxing at her encouraging nod.

He told her the story of the afternoon out browsing the market, the purchase of the copy of “his" book, of finding the café…

Dae watched his face as he recalled the events.  She smiled at his obvious pleasure in finding another copy of the book.  She knew it was perfect for him when she saw it in Paris.  She could never have guessed how important it would come to be for him.

She was fascinated as he grew angry all over again at the rude words of the college girls.  She could image their faces when he strolled over and began to speak.  She had seen his effect on woman countless times.

She sensed a shift in his tone, his face as he talked about the object of their ridicule.  She sat up a bit straighter. 

Now things began to become a bit clearer.

She cheered him when he repeated what he told the girls, laughed when he compared himself to an overdramatic vampire and waited for the most important information.  Then he stopped.

She sighed, tamping down her impatience as he grew silent again.  He was obviously lost to his memories of that night.  She waited several minutes, just watching his face. 

Sometimes, rarely and usually when he was overwhelmed, Tae did this. He had entire conversations in his head, not realizing that he was not sharing those thoughts with her out loud.

He looked so confused.  What in the world was going on with him? 

She watched as his face flushed at his memories, then wondered at the smile that lit his face, causing his eyes to sparkle. 

She felt her eyes mist at the beauty of Tae's face as he lost himself in the moment.  Something magical had happened to her best friend.

Then she watched as his eyes darkened and his perfect teeth tugged at his bottom lip. She watched him lost to his memories and a tear escaped.  She was so very happy for him.  He deserved the world!! And for the first time in a long time it seemed he had found something special.

She squeezed his hand and it was enough to bring him back to the present.  He frowned at Dae and brushed the tears from her face.

“Don’t cry.  I am sorry, I got caught up….I don’t know how to explain the next part….it was….” He struggled for words again.

“Tae, it was special and too beautiful for words.  I can see it on your face.  It was also deeply private and trust me, I get that. Whatever, whoever, I am crazy happy for you!” she whispered.” When you find the words, I know you will tell me.  For now, all I need to know is that this café brings that light to your face!”

Tae reached for her and hugged her close.  Of course, she would understand what he could not put in words, she always had.

“Dae, it is a great little place.  I want you and Lyra to come over and talk about design.  You will be in heaven over the upper floors.  It has a lot of potential.  Even YoonGi said it was a great investment.  It does a good business and we can make it grow….” He rambled on; his excitement contagious.

“I cannot wait to see it! How about we all meet there later this week?  I will bring Jin and Lyra and Jk will come.  Let's ask the rest too. I want to know everything!” she laughed.

“Dae, thank you!  This is really, really important.  I have not figured out exactly why, or how, but I just know I have to do this,” he explained.

She nodded, hugging him again as she stood to leave.

“Dae?” he called as she walked toward the door, “there is so much that can be done to the place, but I have one request.”

She nodded at him to continue.  “There is a courtyard, it is lovely.”

He could see her eyes light with interest and ideas already, it was a good thing he brought this up before she actually saw it.

“I need for it to be off limits, no changes, no disruption, not a lot of traffic, ok?” he asked. 

She nodded.  This was obviously very important to him.  Whatever had happened to him had happened in that courtyard.  She was more curious than ever to see this place that had so enchanted her sweetest Taehyung.

“You call the shots Tae.  I support you all the way!  I can’t wait to see it!” she promised. 

When she would have lingered, her text tone sounded and by the sparkle in her eyes and the flush in her cheeks he knew immediately. She was not the only one who could read emotions.

“It is Jin.  You have to go….don’t make me repeat what I assume is in that text!” he said.

“Taehyung!!” she said, blushing into the neckline of her dress.

“No need to “Taehyung” me, that blush says it all.  Get going.  And don’t be late for work in the morning! Tell him to take a cold shower if you have to!  We have a lot to do tomorrow!” he lectured.

She hugged him one last time and giggled at his raised eyebrow as her text sounded again.

“Leave!  I don’t want him kicking the door down to get you!” he said. 

She hurried out, calling Jin as soon as she was out the door.   Tae was left alone in his office listening to her voice grow sultry as she hurried toward the elevator. 

He wanted someone to drop everything to hurry home to him. 

He stared into space, returning to the courtyard bathed in the setting sun and a slim figure slipping away from him.

He wanted something real.

Double update on this cold, snowy Friday night!! I hope you are snuggled someplace warm with a favorite drink and some beautiful thoughts to keep you company!! Stay safe and well❤❤❤❤

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Double update on this cold, snowy Friday night!! I hope you are snuggled someplace warm with a favorite drink and some beautiful thoughts to keep you company!! Stay safe and well❤❤❤❤

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