chapter 56

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Taehyung heard the soft sounds of his alarm somewhere in the distance, but he refused to wake from this perfect dream

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Taehyung heard the soft sounds of his alarm somewhere in the distance, but he refused to wake from this perfect dream.

In his dream he was sprawled in the streaming sun, and Sky was wrapped around him.  Her legs were twined in his, her breasts pressed to his back and her face nuzzled in his neck. 

He could almost feel her tiny kisses.  He stretched and imagined a soft arm around his waist and threaded his fingers in a small hand pressed to his chest. 

He smiled in his sleep and sighed.  Forget the alarm, he would stay here forever.

Then the buzzing grew more insistent.  He cracked one eye, determined to make it stop so he could burrow back into sleep.

But the moan behind him, the brightness of the sun and the drag of soft breasts against him was real.  Then memories flooded of the night before.  He rolled to confirm that Sky was indeed lying beside him, naked in a bed wrecked by their passion.

She frowned as his body moved from her embrace, then sighed as he gathered her in his arms and kissed her. He slowly blinked awake and kissed her again.  He watched as her eyes opened and found his, lighting with happiness and desire.

He sat in the bed, and pulled her into his lap. Between kisses and laughter and whispers he lifted her until she settled over him, lowering her until he was completely held in her warmth. 

Slowly at first, then finding her hips snapping to his rhythm they danced in the shaft of sun. His mouth roamed her neck, taking and nipping until marks bloomed on her shoulders. 

His large hands cupped and kneaded her breasts, teasing them until she ached.  She arched back, bracing her hands on his knees, offering them to him, moving so that his sinful mouth found its way to the tips of her breasts, hard and aching for his attention.  He did not intend to disappoint as his mouth traced from one breast to the other, groaning deeply as the soft kisses and sweep of his tongue caused her hips to stutter and her body to contract around him, drawing him even deeper into her.  Her cries and gasps were music to him, guiding him to her pleasure.

 The fire between them raged and they quickly chased each other into bliss.  As he throbbed deep within her she held his head to her, shuddering in his arms. They sighed and laughed as the alarm began to trill again.

“Good Morning,” he said, his voice gruff from sleep and passion, “what a beautiful way to wake up!”

She laughed and kissed him.  She brushed the hair from his forehead and ran her fingers over the stubble on his face, traced his lips bruised from her kisses.

“Very Beautiful,” she whispered, “can’t wait until next time.”

He growled and kissed her again and her face flamed as she realized what she had said.

The alarm trilled again and they both frowned.

“Any idea where my phone is?” he asked as she gently moved from him.

She pulled his tee shirt on as she searched the clothes around the bed.  He dragged his eyes away from her.  Naked or wearing his worn shirt, it did not matter, she moved him.

The memory came back to him. “I know you,” she had said. Simple truth, she knew him and she was his.

“The bathroom!” she exclaimed, bringing his thoughts back to the now blaring alarm. 

Then he remembered.  They were going to the lawyer’s office today. 

He rolled from the bed and walked into the small bathroom to find her holding his pants in her hands, his phone sounding from the pocket.

He retrieved it and silenced it, turning on one of his Playlists to start the day.

“Are you nervous? Excited?” he asked as she turned on the shower to warm.

“More nervous, I think,” she admitted.

He kissed her again.  By now the steam was rolling from the shower. 

“Why don’t you get started and I will shave and jump in behind you,” he said.

“I think we are already late, but it was so worth it,” he said, the gleam in his eyes making her blush to her toes.

She slipped into the shower and began to scrub her body.  She did not need the sore muscles or marked skin to remind her of the passion they had shared.

The beautiful man leaning over the sink just feet away, scraping off his beard, cleaning his honey skin, humming along with the jazz playing filled the whole room with his presence. 

She forced herself to finish her shower before he stepped in.  He playfully tried to coax her back, but she grabbed a thick towel and used it as a shield, laughing at the look he gave her. 

She stepped back into the bedroom and grabbed simple underwear and stood in front of the closet.

She frowned.  She really did not have many clothes to start.  She had decided she would wear the simple black tights and sweater she wore to Edward’s memorial.  It really did not matter since it would be covered by her hooded cloak.

Listening to the man now singing a crazy trot song in the next room, it was all wrong. 

That cloak was no longer her.  It was no longer needed.  She no longer wanted to hide from the world.  She wanted to be seen, make love in the sun beams, create new stories by firelight. 

She felt new. 

Then she realized that was wrong. 

She did not feel “new", rather she was whole, complete in a way that felt ancient, in a way that finally made sense.

He walked in, toweling off his hair, slipping behind her to hug her close to him.

‘”Everything ok?” he asked, picking up on her mood.

“It will be “she promised.

Then she turned to face him.

“Taehyung, is it ok….could we….after the appointment, assuming there is money there for me….would you take me shopping?  I need new….everything,” she asked, stumbling over her words.

He kissed her then, slow and gentle, catching her lips in his, making her week in the knees.

When he drew his head back, he was the face of temptation.  He smiled a smile that made her shiver, and then his deep growl was the final punctuation.

“You wicked, wicked girl!! You are finding ALL the ways to seduce me!  I will absolutely take you shopping and love every second of it!” he kissed her again, leaving her breathless as he stepped away.

“Now, let’s get going,” he called as he went down the hallway, flinging his towel in the direction of the bathroom, leaving her with a view of his perfectly rounded ass as he headed downstairs to dress.

Damn it, she doubted he would ever exhaust the ways he could seduce her.

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