chapter 77

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They arrived right on time for the reservation

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They arrived right on time for the reservation. 

Sky stepped out of the car, taking Tae's hand and following him in.  She was captivated by the small building.  It was old and covered in ivy.  It immediately put her at ease.  It was past dusk and warm lights and candles glowed through the large windows, beckoning them inside.

The inside was much larger than it appeared, the tables placed into private, intimate seating areas. 

They were escorted to one in the back.  It was near a wall and Tae helped her into a seat in the corner.  She felt protected there and she glowed in the candlelight.

It was one of Tae's favorite places and he was so nervous that she like it.  He could tell right away that she approved.  She asked him to order for them and as he did so she drifted off.  She lost herself in the low hum of the place, absorbing the peace in the room. 

There were several people here, some in love, some conducting business, all of them quiet and peaceful. She took a moment to appreciate the vibe of the place.

She finally drug herself back to Tae when the waiter brought their drinks.  She slowly focused on his face and smiled, taking his hand across the table.

“This is a good place,” she decided, watching the smile break across his face.  He relaxed and began to tell her how he found the place.

During dinner he had the opportunity to tell her he had made her an appointment with YoonGi.  She seemed relieved.

Tae began to feel nervous as they neared the end of the meal.  He had planned to talk to her tonight about…

Even his thoughts stumbled.  What was he going to ask? Hey! I've been staying over a lot, how about I……

He drug a hand through his hair in frustration.  He was deep in thought, trying to find the words, when he felt the soft caress of Sky's finger on the back of his hand.

Sky had been watching Tae zone out since they ordered dessert.  He was struggling with something, but she had no idea what. 

However, she had been thinking all day about how things were going with them.  It seemed natural to her. 

She thought about him all afternoon and had decided she had been selfish.  She took a deep breath and reached for him no set idea on how she was going to tell him her thoughts.

He looked at her finger tracing shapes on the back of his hand, then into her face.  He loved her so much.  That was the only important thing.

“I love you,” he whispered watching her eyes widen and her sweet lips part.  He was flooded with emotion just looking at her.

“You look so beautiful tonight, just perfect.  I would have picked the exact same outfit for you,” he said softly.

She blushed deepest pink at his compliment.

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