chapter 26

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He stepped back and assessed the corner more closely and let out a low curse

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He stepped back and assessed the corner more closely and let out a low curse.  Jimin and Dae stepped close again, worry painting their faces.  He had discovered the painting.

“Which one of you bought it?” Tae asked quietly.

Not giving the other a chance they both spoke at once

“She did.”

“He did.”

Tae shook his head and laughed; eyes still fixed on the painting on the wall.

Looking at it now eased his heart and broke it all over again.  For years he thought all his love and passion was captured in that painting and his heart would be broken forever

Looking at it now he could plainly see the truth it took him years to learn.

This was a picture of the first blush of love, reckless and immature, designed to burn hot and die fast.  It had severed a purpose. 

He still mourned the ruined innocence of his young self, but he had been a fool to let it ruin the real first love of his life, the art, the urge to create deep within.

He turned to look into the guilty faces of his friends and laughed, then hugged them both.

“Thank you! I knew it had been sold, I used the money to travel for the first year. But how….?” he left the question hang.

Dae elbowed Jimin to answer and he drew a deep breath.

“We pooled our money to bid.  We actually took out a loan from NamJoon too,” he explained.

Hearing his name, the man himself stepped closer.

“But Dae told him it was to pay for a car she totaled,” Jimin laughed.

Dae sputtered some excuse and hid behind Jin as Joon glared at her, his tongue poking the side of his jaw.

“You did WHAT? Was there really no wreck?” he asked.

“Anyway,” Jimin cut in smoothly, “we took turns moving it between us so you would not find it.  Dae decided now was the time for it to come home,” he finished, his eyes searching Tae's to see if he was upset.

Tae grabbed him in a hug. “Thank you! I thought it had been pitched by now, or gathering dust in some basement.”

Jimin pretended not to notice the sheen of tears in his friend’s eyes.  A moment and a blink and they were gone, replaced by a genuine smile.

The moment was broken by Hobi calling them to the far end of the space.  As they walked, Lyra explained how the room could be converted from event venue, to art gallery to private space within hours. 

Tae nodded, noting the lighting and the wall space.  It would serve this neighborhood well.  He acknowledged only the smallest twinge of regret at the thought of this space teeming with people.

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