chapter 29

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He opened his eyes to find Sky kneeling in front of him, eyes solemnly fixed on his face

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He opened his eyes to find Sky kneeling in front of him, eyes solemnly fixed on his face.

For a moment they sat in contented silence, then Tae watched in fascination as a smile transformed her face.

“I am very happy you are here,” she said, her soft voice soothing away the any lingering remnant of the night before.

“I was hoping you would be here today,” he confessed.

A butterfly flitted between them and they both reached toward it, their hands colliding.

Sky's laugh sent a jolt through him.  He had the thought that he would give away everything he had just to keep her laughing.

They fell into easy conversation as she fixed the food and drinks.  Everything seemed so natural as they shared food and stories, relaxing and growing closer as the plates emptied.

As they finished, he began to tidy up the dishes but she gently swept his hands away and efficiently stacked the remains of their lunch.  Tae shifted to lean against the trunk of the tree as he watched her work.

He was struck once again by her delicate features. As usual she was wearing black, a long-hooded jacket and sturdy boots.  She wore black tights as well; the only hint of color was a glimpse of pink at the neck of her coat. She had unbuttoned several buttons as they ate, easing the restriction of the garment as she arranged the dishes, or allowing the breeze to cool her flushed skin as she laughed, basking in Taehyung’s attention. 

Her guard fell a bit more with each button, like a barrier being removed between them.

Tae wondered again at the way she was always concealed.  He had spent years using his choice of fabric, designer and tailoring to hide or reveal himself.  He was intuitive enough to know she was hiding herself, protecting herself from harm.  He longed to know the story, for her to feel free enough to let him past those protective layers.

His mind drifted to the silk of her hair.  He was watching her, daydreaming about burying his hands in that silk and gently kissing her.

Sky felt him shift next to her.  She could feel the heat of him and she felt herself flush even more deeply. 

She unbuttoned the last button on her coat, contemplating removing it completely.  She bit her lip and snuck a look at the man beside her, wondering if she was crazy for even considering it.
He looked so beautiful today he took her breath.  She had usually seen him in suits, or in his shirts sleeves with his jacket tossed to the side.

Today he was in all black and he looked beautiful, seductive and soft at the same time.  She could not understand how he managed that.  It left her feeling off guard.  He was definitely a dangerous man.

Especially today in these casual clothes.  The pants were of some soft material that draped his body.  His long legs were defined in the fabric as they stretched in front of him.  The shirt had a deep vee, showing his collarbone and the honey skin of his chest.  She could see the muscles of his arms bunch as he shifted his body to lean against the trunk of the tree. 

His chest was well defined and muscular.  She had the strongest urge to reach and touch him. He was beautiful.  She wanted him.  She wanted to see his body, spend hours drawing it, to memorize every inch of it.

That desire was blazing in her eyes as she finally met his gaze.  Tae saw his own curiosity and need echoed in her as her eyes met his.

She carefully moved the tray onto the far corner of the blanket and turned back to face Tae.  She was finding it hard to breathe.  What in the world was she doing?

He saw her hesitation and fear.  As he watched, she scooted closer to him, almost but not quite touching him.  He wondered briefly if she was going to kiss him again.  He hoped with his whole being she would. 

Then he watched as fear and nerves and something he could not name washed over her.  He watched her hands reach toward him, then fall in her lap, fingers twisting a and pulling each other in agitation.

Tae hated to see her so upset.  He hated to think he was the cause of her unease. He reached for her, taking her small hands in his large ones, soothing and warming her.

“Are you ok?” he asked. “Is something wrong?”

She looked into his eyes, kindness and concern mixing there, and sighed.  She could not tell him that fear and guilt were warring inside her, demanding she leave and never see him again.  Instead she nodded her head and gave a shaky smile.

He was watching her too closely to miss the sheen of tears in her eyes.

His heart hurt to see her pain and he pulled her toward him.

“ shhh…shhhh….” He soothed, “please…..please don’t cry.”

The deep rumble of his voice and his gentle hands pulling her to his chest broke her last bit of resistance.  She buried herself in his chest, hugging her arms tightly around his waist as his arms encircled her in warmth and safety.

He was speaking to her, but the words did not matter.  There were emotions flowing between them, connecting them until they were entwined, each cocooned in the other. 

Tae drew a hard breath.  It felt like a lock had been picked in his soul and she had snuck into the secret, hidden place in his heart. 

He did not have the words to express it and he sure as hell could not explain it.  Anyone hearing him would call him a fool.  He did not care. 

He had thought she was for him before.  Now he knew it bone deep. 

She was his.

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