chapter 91

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“I understand,” Dae responded, “There are some issues to be addressed

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“I understand,” Dae responded, “There are some issues to be addressed.”

Sky nodded; her hope plainly written on her face.

“First, the technical buyer of this property was Taehyung.  He would have to agree to any terms we reach.  However, judging by the way he is looking at you, that won’t be a problem,” Dae ticked off her list.

“Oh hell,” Tae thought, “she has a list.”

Second, it was Taehyung’s express requirement that the outside courtyard not be modified in any way.  I expect you would honor that.  And again, “she paused to point at Tae who was now grinning in that way that made grown women beg to give him anything he wanted.

“Third, and this may be more complicated.  I want a written agreement that you will not hire away my head of security,” she finished.  Her concern was real.

Sky blinked.  She had not considered that.  Tae shifted in his chair because he had. 

If Sky became successful, and he had every faith she would, she would need the very best security system and protocols.  His heart sank to think he might be put in the position to have to choose.
Sky nodded, thinking through the issue.

“Sky, he is the best in the industry. This company needs him.  And I need him,” Dae confessed.

Seeing Sky's confusion and Tae's conflicted heart, Dae realized how selfish she was being.

“You cannot hire him away, but there is nothing to say he can’t be your private consultant,” she compromised.

“Private consultant” I like the sound of that, “Tae purred, tongue poking the side of his cheek, his eyebrows dancing at Dae.

Just then Dae wished she had something to throw at him.

“I thought you might,” she said.

Sky missed the play between the two as she thought through the information.  She would never ask Tae to leave his job, but she knew she would need his help.  Dae was offering a way to do both.  It was the best compromise she was going to get.

She stood and extended her hand and Dae did the same.

“ Deal,” she said, firmly shaking the other woman’s hand.

“Deal!” Dae exclaimed, then came around the desk for a big hug. 

The two of them pulled a protesting Tae into the huddle with them.

“Excuse me!” He exclaimed, “I am the head of security and an expert in investigative techniques and cyber security.  I do not hug on the job.” The enveloping hug he gave both of them gave lie to his words.

“Hummm…” Sky said with a laugh, “that could be a problem.  Sounds like terms to negotiate to me.”

“I agree,” Dae chimed in.

“Forget that!” Tae said, “I don’t stand a chance against the two of you.” He kissed Dae on the temple and Sky full on the mouth. 

Pulling them in for one more hug, he whispered “and I wouldn’t have it any other way!”

“Let’s celebrate!! I'll call Lyra,” Dae said, stepping away.

Tae shook his head, “I can’t.  I have meetings all afternoon for year end.”

He kissed Sky again as he saw disappointment wash over her.

“Go!  Have fun,” he said. 
“I have already planned a private celebration for this afternoon.  Just promise me you'll be back to the café by 3,” he whispered in her ear.

She nodded at him tears in her eyes. One last kiss and he turned to leave, passing Lyra in the doorway.  He smiled as he heard the excited laughter as Dae and Sky both explained to Lyra what they planned to do. 

She was in good hands.  Two good hours of work and she would be in his arms and that was all that mattered.

Sky enjoyed lunch with her friends.  After all this time that sounded strange to her, but it was true. 

They were full of ideas and plans.  But above all they were so proud and happy for her.  As the day grew later Sky drifted out of the conversation and her thoughts were only for Tae. 

She knew now that is where they would always land when she was happy or sad or lonely or needed comfort.  Today she was thinking how much he believed in her and how much he supported her. 

More than Edward, even more than her father, he had complete faith in her.  He had even planned a celebration when she was doubting her offer would be accepted.  YoonGi had warned her Dae might insist on keeping control of the property and she should consider any offer of partnership or even management a win.

But she could feel the shift, Dae's bone deep connection to her need for independence.  Dae knew what she was fighting for and saw her potential.

She wondered again about Tae.  He had looked so excited when he said he had a celebration planned.  She decided she really did not care.  If they stayed in with pizza or flew away to Paris the only thing that matter would be him next to her.

Dae drew her attention back to the table as she gently asked her if she was ready to go.  She could tell by the way her companions were looking at her that they had repeated the question, maybe more than once.

“Yes, sorry,” she said, blushing.

“Please don’t apologize.  Tae has always done that.  When he does, I knew he is puzzling out something really important.  I am used to it.  In fact, I envy that stillness.  I have tried to capture it for years!” Dae responded.

They walked slowly back to the office, window shopping and talking about nothing and everything. 

They arrived back at the office in ample time for Sky to leave.  She missed Dae's quick text to see if Tae was ready.  To ensure things went perfectly she called her driver to take Sky to the loft with instructions to take the “long way”.

A final round of goodbyes and promises to meet for lunch next week, Dae and Lyra watched the car pull away, each lost in their hopes for the woman in the back seat.

They both knew the things she would accomplish would change that neighborhood.  They smiled at each other and speculated on Sky's night ahead.  The men were not the only ones who could wager.

One more chapter for these lovers!! Thank each one of you for staying with them to the end💜💜💜

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One more chapter for these lovers!! Thank each one of you for staying with them to the end💜💜💜

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