chapter 69

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They spilled out of the elevator to face a disgusted Hoseok

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

They spilled out of the elevator to face a disgusted Hoseok.

“Aiishhh! Get out of here with your puppy love faces and giggles!! How dare you mock a lonely man!!” he grumbled.

They each grabbed an arm and lead him into the conference room, consoling and promising him outlandish things to coax out his dimpled smile. 

“Stop it! Both of you are liars!! I won’t be happy until I am giddy over my own lover in the middle of the afternoon!” he said, shooing them back into work mode. 

The trio moved on to the tasks at hand, the truth of that statement lingering in Hobi's heart.

Once they started, they each tuned out the distractions of the day and until 5:00 focused only on the work before them.

At 5:00 Dae checked her watch and smiled.

“Fifteen-minute warning!” she called.  Hobi rolled his eyes but Taehyung scanned the task list for final details. 

“Done!! Finally finished! “he declared as he hopped from the conference table and fetched a drink for the three of them to share.  They spent the next few minutes celebrating each other and setting out tasks for the rest of the week.

A knock on the door interrupted them and only Dae squealed in excitement as Jin's dark head popped in. 

“I left early,” he said, measuring his words in front of the other two. 

They snorted at him.  He had no need to say it.  They waived the two of them out the door, ignoring the hard thump against the door as it closed and the giggles and low whispers that followed.

“Get a room!” Tae and Hobi yelled in unison and Jin shouted a curse in response and they heard the two of them laughing as they disappeared into the elevator.

Tae looked at his dear friend and saw the sadness in his eyes before his mask was firmly back in place.

“Go ahead.  I know you have plans too.  I'll just put some notes in and then I'll be on my way as well” he said, bustling around the room.

“Hobi,” Tae called, but the other man shook his head. 

“I’d better hurry.  I’m going for dinner with Jimin and Joon, then clubbing, wish me luck!” he responded.

Tae gave his friend a quick hug before starting to the parking garage. 

He worried about his friends.  They each were dealing with their own private heartache.  He wished for them to find what he had with Sky.

As he started home, he began to examine that thought.  By the time he arrived back at the café he had revised his wish. 

He wanted each of his friends to find authentic, bone shaking, heart seizing love. But as he felt his own heart thump harder with each step closer to Sky, he knew, soul deep, a connection like theirs could not be duplicated.

Sky had written and sketched late into the afternoon until her hands began to cramp and the ideas struggled to take form.  She was done for the day.  She closed her eyes to rest.  Writing always left her mentally exhausted.  She soon dozed off.

A short nap left her refreshed and restless to shake the cobwebs from her brain.  

She wandered the loft for a bit, starting the meal prep and setting the table for the night.

All done, she checked the time.  She still had over an hour before Tae was home.

Anticipation made her restless.  She searched for something to busy her hands and pass the time. 

She spotted the boxes of books she had pushed aside this morning.  She had just those last few things to unpack and this would be truly her home. 

A jumble of emotions surfaced with that thought.  This was the first place she had ever lived alone. 

Tae was there almost every night, but they both seemed to understand without saying that there were some times when one or both of them needed solitude.  She realized, more than any other place since her mom left, this loft was her home.

Dozens of memories filled her thoughts as she unpacked the boxes.  They contained her life, but also held the promise of a new way to live.

She emptied all the boxes and carefully sorted the books and memorabilia how she wanted them displayed on the bookcase.  She was absorbed in the details as the day grew late and the sun began to trade places with the shadows.

That is how Tae found her.   He stopped in the doorway to stare. 

Standing there just now, the sun streaming through the windows and dust motes shimmering like diamonds around her, memories of the first time he saw her slammed into him. 

Except now he knew the tilt of her head, the curve of her hip, the taste of her kiss.  Now he knew her, and longed to discover every other little thing about her.

As he moved toward her, he memorized every detail about her, all the colors and the play of the light.  He would paint her like this so he would never forget.

He stopped behind her, calling her name as his hands grasped her hips and pulled her against him.  Her deep sigh and the way she turned her face to him for a kiss welcomed him home like nothing else could.

Sky leaned into Tae, his embrace replacing her weariness with anticipation. 

She sighed as he rocked her gently, his arms around her waist, his voice deep velvet in her ear whispering sweet words.  She closed her eyes as he dropped his lips to her neck and started to hum.  He made her feel magical.

Growing hungry for him, she turned in his arms and stood on tip toe to kiss his full lips.  The tender kiss quickly turned heated as her arms snaked around his neck and his hands moved to her hips and began to roam.

He was dancing her around the room, both of them laughing between kisses.  His hands slipped into the waistband of her tights and tugged.

She shimmied out of the pants and shuddered as his hands began to slide the white silk of her panties against her skin. 

He did not give her much time to think as he found the bottom of the oversized sweater and began to lift it.  She stepped back and watched his face as he pulled it over her head and tossed it in the floor. 

His eyes widened in appreciation of the lace bra with intricate straps drawing attention to her breasts.  He bent and ran his tongue the length of one strap, causing her to arch and moan against him. 

His hooded gaze flamed the fire already smoldering in her, but the slow lick of his lips was the last straw. 

She pressed tightly against him, finding the tie she had knotted earlier. 

Suddenly it became urgent that she reverse what she had done that morning. 

She moaned and moved with him, following as he turned and bumped into the bookcase.  A quick glance at him and she sighed. 

He had ended backed up to the bookcase, in the middle of her work.  She thought the night downstairs between his paintings.  She thought of the indelible images he had created for her there in that spot.  She wanted that with him. 

Surrounded by her words and art and memories she wanted to create something new and everlasting right here, right now.

She slowly removed his tie and slung it on the floor.

unveiledजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें