chapter 87

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(Because today was THAT day!)

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(Because today was THAT day!)

You are amazing,” he whispered as they moved away to join the others.

As with any large group of friends they relaxed and drank and talked.  They picked up conversations they had dropped weeks ago, as if nothing had happened.

Hobi's friend stepped out to take a call from her boyfriend and he wandered the gallery waiting on her to return.  Sky watched him, catching Dae's eye, waiting until the time was right. 

He stopped, lost in thought as he watched his friends, until suddenly he was attacked.

Dae, Sky and Lyra surrounded him as the men protested, he turned in a confused circle, until he remembered and looked up. 

He smiled triumphantly at the others as Dae cupped his face and brought his forehead to her's.  She kissed him gently on his temple and whispered “I Iove you.  I am so thankful to have you in my life. “

He wiped her tears and nodded, a sheen in his own eyes.  As Dae stepped away, Lyra and Sky gathered their courage and on the count of three each kissed him on his cheek.  There were howls of jealousy and laughter as he strutted back to the seating area.

“I warned you those three were trouble,” he laughed, “the best kind of trouble.”

Then determination paid off as Jin stalked Dae until he caught her.  It was a beautiful reminder of how hard all of them had fought so they could be together. That had been a turning point for all of them.

Lyra had given JK a merry chase, his competitive streak in over drive. Finally, he gave up. 

He was standing in the middle of the room, running a hand through his hair in frustration. 

He did not even see her.  This was not fun anymore.  just then he felt a rap on his shoulder and there she was, pointing to the ceiling. 
“Got ya!” she whispered and his face broke into that boyish grin she adored. 

He bent and picked her up, holding her high against his chest.  Her arms encircled his neck and her hands soothed his hair.  He slowly turned in a circle, kissing her again and again until they were both dizzy.  He stopped to gain his balance, still holding her to his chest.

“Hey! It's supposed to be one kiss,” she scolded.

“Let’s go home,” he growled.

“Baby! We have not even eaten yet,” she said.

Then he truly shocked her. “I don’t care,” he responded, stealing another kiss.  But then his body betrayed him as his belly rumbled deep from hunger.

“Soon,” she said, as he put her back on her feet.

“You promise?” he asked.

“Promise,” she said as she turned to walk away. As she gained a safe distance, she looked over her shoulder and added, “besides, you're going to need to keep your strength up.”

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