chapter 41

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The evening rush was clearing as the three of them entered the café

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The evening rush was clearing as the three of them entered the café.  Jimin was asking if Tae wanted him to drive him home when Tae caught Nev's eye.

He shook his head at Jimin. “I have some things to do here.  I'll leave my car and call a ride.  Don’t worry about me,” he assured his friends.

One last hug and one more whispered promise, Jimin stepped toward the door.

“Take care of yourself.  I'll drop by to check on you tomorrow,” Jimin promised.

“I want those clothes back…clean too,” JK said, locking eyes with Tae.

He walked them to the door, “OK ….” He said quietly, “Thank you both. And I love you too.”

They nodded and left together, relief and worry for their friend the topic the rest of the way home.

Tae searched for Nev.  He owed him an explanation.

He found him closing out the register for the night, relief then and anger crossing his face when he saw Tae standing there.

“Can I get some hot tea?” Taehyung asked, his tension easing a bit when the older man nodded.

“Have a seat.  I'm almost done,” he answered gruffly.

Tae turned around and looked around the place shoving back memories of Sky, intentionally selecting a table away from his usual corner  sitting with his back to the courtyard.

He stared at the wall, gathering his thoughts until Nev placed a mug in front of him and slid into the seat across from him.

He raised his hands before the other man could speak. “ I am sorry.  I owe you an explanation,” he admitted.

Nev nodded. “What in the hell happened?  Is she OK?  I have not seen her.  I have been worried sick…about both of you, “he admitted.

“She is ok.  Or at least she was the last time I saw her,” he began.
He continued before Nev interrupted him.

“I followed her to her apartment.  It was……” he did not want to shame her, “it was small and sparce.  There was a medical emergency and I called the ambulance.  They took him to the hospital and we followed."

Tae did not realize he had zoned out, recalling the events of the night.

“Him?  The man who used to bring her here?” Nev asked.

Tae's heart hurt as he answered. “I am guessing yes.  He appeared tall, handsome with dark hair, some silver.  He was not from here.”

Nev nodded.  “That sounds like him.  I have not seen him in several months. Is he ok?” he asked.

“No idea, I guess so,” Tae said, staring into his teacup.  “I left my bank information for his care and left before I heard anything about his condition.”

“What?” Nev exploded.  “How could you do that? What about her? Is she ok? Why would you leave her there all alone?” he asked, his words tumbling over each other in his concern.

Tae did not even look up from his drink.

“I did not leave her alone, “he said quietly,” I left her with her husband.”

“What?  What in the hell are you talking about?  That makes no sense,” Nev said, shaking his head.

Tae finally looked him in the eye and then Nev looked away.  The pain he saw there was too raw, too real.  He glanced back at Tae and saw the weariness and wear, the heartache and hangover that were unmistakable.  It must be true and he could not make it make sense for either of them.

“I am so sorry,” he told Tae.  “I had no idea.  I swear I would have told you.”

“I know you would have, “Tae agreed, “and would have kicked my ass for even looking at her.  You wanted to do that anyway!”

Nev looked at his young friend and gave a brief nod.  He was right about that.

” So, what are you going to do now?” he asked.

Tae stared into space for a while, searching for answers somewhere beyond what Nev could see.

“Now?  Now I forget all of this and go back to my real job and find something, anything in which I can lose myself,” he confessed.

“Does that mean you are done with this place? With our partnership?" Nev asked, fear and uncertainty coloring the question.

Tae blew out a hard breath and stared at the wall for what seemed to be forever.

“I don’t know,” he answered honestly. “I have no idea how I can come back to this place,” he confessed.

“Promise me you'll at least think about it, “Nev responded, “you have created something special here.  And if your gallery opens it could mean a lot of really positive changes for this neighborhood.  And God knows we need it.”

Tae looked into the face of the man he had come to trust and consider a real friend.

“I promise I won’t make any decisions right now,” Tae agreed, standing to leave.

“Fair enough,” the older man said gruffly.  Tae reached and squeezed his upper arm before heading to the door.

“Thank you.  And thank you for caring enough to ask.  And for checking up on me,” Tae said.
Nev nodded and turned his back, but not before Tae caught the glint in his eye. 

“I'll finish locking up.  Remember, we have to place orders next week,” he called as he walked away.

Tae shook his head.  He walked out into the chill of the night without committing himself to anything or anyone.

As he slid into the back of the car that pulled around for him, he sighed and slumped into the seat. 

That was the way it seemed he was destined to live his life, uncommitted, adrift and alone.

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