chapter 67

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Before she could say anything, Sky offered her a cookie and began to speak

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Before she could say anything, Sky offered her a cookie and began to speak.

“Tae told me about how you came to his defense when he was young, how the two of you took on the world and defeated it.”

“I wish, in a way, that I had been there for him.  We have so much in common.  I was chased and bullied my whole childhood.  My teen years were worse.”

She looked up to find Dae’s eyes fixed on her face.  The glance that passed between the women spoke volumes and revealed hurts that were still too raw to share. Dae nodded at her to go on.

“I …have always wished for a friend like you.  When I say I am jealous….that is not the right word…….  I am so thankful he had you, has you, so grateful for the strength he has now.  I have him now to protect me……” She paused, just then realizing how very true that was.

Tears pricked Dae's eyes as she saw the vulnerability and wistfulness in the face of this beautiful girl.

“How different things might have been if I had someone like you, “Sky whispered

“I wish I, we, could have been there for you too.” Dae whispered and Sky felt the tears freely flow.

“Thank you.  I…just….I just …want you to think….” Drawing a shuddering breath, she tried again. “I hope we can be friends".

Dae took her hands and smiled through her own tears. “You have made the perfect start.  You gave me a diet coke and you love Taehyung.  I could not ask for more   Love him, treat him well, protect his tender heart and he will do the same for you.  And I will be here cheering you on!”

Sky gave a shaky laugh and nodded at her.  

“It is hard for me to talk to people and I am not very comfortable in crowds.  I know Tae has a very close group of friends.  I am terrified of meeting them.  I am so glad I met you first.”

Dae smiled and reached for her hand. “You will have Tae and you will have me.  I can’t wait for you to meet Lyra.  The two of you will be fast friends.  And the rest…the rest are the finest men I have ever met.  Every one of them is loving and kind in their own unique way.  They will take you in and protect you fiercely.  Expect them to tease you, but they will be the only ones allowed to.  You will never have to worry about being alone or without a family again,” Dae said quietly. “I am so very glad you are here.”

Conversation flowed from there, Sky feeling the connection slowly build with Dae. 

She had accepted her because of Taehyung.  In time they would create their own bond and it would be strong and true.  Sky realized how great the fear of meeting Dae had been. 

She felt one more burden lift from her heart as she sat laughing in the sun with Tae's Daedear.  She relaxed in the promise that Dae would be her true friend, her first, maybe the first of many.

Dae was gathering as much information about Sky as she could.  She felt a connection with her and wanted to make her feel at ease. 

Then she remembered Lyra's plans for the holiday party.  Dae instinctively knew Sky would need time to prepare.  She wondered if Tae had mentioned it to her.

Looking at the beautiful girl across from her and spotting the telltale sign of a love mark revealed in the deep vee of her sweater, she smiled.  It seems they had been busy and the holiday party was the last thing on Tae's mind. 

She would remind him. She thought it would be better coming from him and he was in the best position to gauge if it would be distressing for Sky.

As if thinking about him conjured him, Dae's phone rang with his ring tone.  She smiled at Sky and took the call.

“Taehyung!  I was just thinking of you,” she said, smiling across the table at Sky.

Sky could hear Tae's deep voice as he greeted Dae.

“Dae,” he said, “ I have to step out of the office for a….uh….for a meeting.”

She arched one perfect brow at that.

“A meeting? This afternoon?” she asked, knowing full well the schedule this afternoon was full for she, Tae, and Hobi to review year end contracts.

“What meeting do you have this afternoon?” she asked. 

If Tae could see her face, he would know she was baiting a trap for him.  However, he was too preoccupied to be cautious.

“I have some….business I need to finish from this morning, “ he offered. 

By the stain of blush coloring Sky's face just then Dae had a good idea about the nature of his “unfinished business".

“hmmm,” she said.

“Yes, important business.  It will probably take an hour or two,” he reasoned. 

Dae almost felt sorry for Sky as she tried to shrink away from Dae's speculating gaze.

They could hear Tae's car stop and his door slam. 

“On second thought, I might not make it back in this afternoon.  You'd better go on without me,” he said.  His breathing had altered, and they could hear his footsteps. 

Steps, he was taking steps.

They looked at each other and burst into laughter.

“No, Tae, we need to talk about this,” she said.

Strange sounds came from the other end of the phone as his voice seemed to fade in and out.

“I’m sorry….you're breaking up…Let’s talk tomorrow,” he said before the line went dead.  Dae sat staring at the phone in her hand.

“The nerve….” She started.

Then they heard the footsteps on the iron staircase to the loft.

Sky stood as she heard the approach, having felt him since he pulled up outside.  She hoped he was not in trouble.

She did not have time to worry as Tae stepped in the room and grabbed her as soon as he walked in the door.

He bent to her and took her mouth in a hard kiss, picking her up and spinning her around. He kissed her again and again dragging her into his passion.

Only when he turned to set her on the small table did she begin to struggle.

“I have thought about you all day!” he whispered, kissing his way down her throat.

He heard her calling his name and felt her softly push against his chest.  But he was too busy to pay attention.

Then he heard someone loudly clear their throat.

Dae.  She always did that when she was irritated or was trying to get his attention   He growled. 

Stop it" he thought, “Why are you thinking about Dae right now?”

“Taehyung!” He was hearing her voice now.  Enough.

“Get out of my head SongDae!  I am busy here!” he said, not fully aware he had said it out loud.

“I can plainly SEE that Taehyung.  The point is, I don’t WANT to see it!!” Dae said.

Tae lifted his head from his journey into the neckline of Sky's sweater and tried to focus. 

Slowly the haze of lust cleared revealing Dae seated at the small table, eyebrows raised.

He shook his head, “Dae?” he asked, becoming aware of the fact that his best friend and his boss was actually sitting there watching him, watching them.

He immediately looked to check on Sky.  She would be mortified.

This was a mess.

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