Eight: A Good Feeling

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"This better not become a regular thing," Ratchet warned after Sunbeam woke up the next day. She waved the comment away.

"I doubt it. But, ya won't believe what I found!" Sunbeam exclaimed.

"I'm sure I will," Ratchet deadpanned.

"Jack and I found Decepticons in Alaska! Can you believe they'd be that far away?" Sunbeam questioned.

"Yes, considering we've all been all over the world," Ratchet answered. "Did they say why they were there?"

"Uhh...I don't remember," Sunbeam admitted.

"Well, then, they probably didn't get what they wanted. Perhaps we should go there and see what we can find," Ratchet suggested.

"Great! Ooh! I have an idea!" Sunbeam started before getting up and whispering something to Ratchet.

"Hey! Secrets don't make friends!" Miko shouted.

"I don't know if that's the best idea," Ratchet ignored Miko.

"C'mon, it'll be fun! Plus, they'll have the best bodyguards in the galaxy with them! How much safer can you get?" Sunbeam pointed out.

"Have you even met them?" Ratchet deadpanned. "They're about as safe as a potato is on a chopping block!"

"You have a point...Then we can use this as a way to help them learn to protect themselves," Sunbeam replied. "Besides, they're probably gonna follow us anyway. Wouldn't you rather know for sure that we have an eye on them?" Ratchet let out a huff of exasperation.

"What are you guys talking about?" Raf asked. Sunbeam nodded at Ratchet, who reluctantly nodded back.

"Get your coats and best campin' gear, 'cause we're goin' on a trip!" Sunbeam exclaimed.

"Really?!" The kids asked excitedly.

"But it won't be all fun, this is strictly for training purposes," Sunbeam added with a wink. With that, Ratchet opened the ground bridge and sent the kids home to gather their things.

"You'd better be right about this," Ratchet grumbled.

"Pfft, don't worry! I've got a good feeling about this!" Sunbeam exclaimed. "I'll look after 'em!"

"28 stab wounds. You got 28 stab wounds last time you had a 'good feeling' about something," Ratchet pointed out, using air quotes around 'good feeling.'

"That was by shrapnel," Sunbeam replied.

"From an explosion!" Ratchet shouted.

"You worry too much," Sunbeam pointed out.

"You don't worry enough," Ratchet retorted. Sunbeam laughed.

"Perfectly balanced. C'mon, let's go find a place to camp out!" Sunbeam insisted.

A few hours later, Ratchet and Sunbeam had finally agreed on a safe enough place to stay...at least for the kids while they went and investigated the facility that Sunbeam and Jack had found.

"I still don't think this is a good idea," Ratchet admitted.

"I know ya don't. But, at least it's better than leavin' 'em here alone," Sunbeam responded. "Besides, what couldn't go wrong?"

"Don't you mean 'wh-,'" Ratchet started before Sunbeam covered his mouth.

"Don't say it! You'll jinx the whole trip!" She warned.

"You don't honestly believe that, do you?" Ratchet asked after she removed her hand. Sunbeam shrugged.

"I mean, even if it ain't real, I don't wanna find out," she replied.

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