A/N: I'm Back...

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Heyo! I'm back after what feels like centuries! Now sit back, relax, and allow me to explain my absence.

First off, I had to get ready to start college in the fall, and it's been really stressful. I had to fill out financial aid forms, register for classes, and all sorts of that FUN stuff *cough*notfun*cough*

Second off, I've been in a serious mental rut after my sister and her boyfriend moved to Georgia for Basic Training, and I found out that I can't even go to their Graduation or Family Day. So there's that.

Third: a family member has been causing serious problems for the people around me, and I had to deal with that for them. All while the above two things were also happening. Fun times.

Fourth, and hopefully final, there were a lot of one year anniversaries of family members' deaths. And, there's still more of them coming up in the following months. Which, okay, that's fine, we LOVE that for me.

Fifth: I haven't had as many ideas for this story as I have for others recently. And, even the stories that I had ideas for have extremely short chapters, and I don't want to have that happen here. Hopefully it won't.

Anyway, I've been able to take care of some of those things, and while life has taken a detour and the world is ending, I wanted to come back to writing this because it makes me happy, and I have more ideas now. Unfortunately, some chapters may be shorter, and some will take longer to write.

Have a great rest of the summer!

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