8.9 Eupheme

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Lady Eupheme looked over the courtyard.The residence was not entirely destroyed, but no one would say it was in good shape either. The siege had left one of the outlying buildings in utter ruin- burnt down, and some of the outlying walls had been knocked over as well, but the Tainish protectorate had arrived in time and prevented major damage and loss from occurring. Lady Eupheme and her husband, right in the middle of the compound had remained untouched although it looked nothing like it's former self. Sand had been laid for the floods, and boards had been put up over windows and a makeshift watchtower hastily built on the roof. One of the buildings, normally a storage space, had been converted into a dormitory for the defenders of the compound, all republican protectorate- any Tainish security has been granted rooms inside the structure proper. Another acted as hospital for the injured. The courtyard however, was the most indicative of what had happened, littered with rags of clothes, arrows, and footprints in blood and mud. The cypress tree was still standing but had a different shape, having lost its branches. Boxes of weapons and empty wine barrels were strewn around, and carts for transport of supplies tipped on their side and abandoned. A small stool, which Lady Eupheme had used to make public announcements, sometimes rallying and sometimes dire, was also tipped over, one of its legs snapped off.
Most days of the siege had been relatively peaceful, and the Lady had remained inside with other inter-land representatives, and even a few of the ascendancy and mostly they had all socialized- gathering for conversations, gossip, embroidery, games, meals, drinks, recitals. They had mostly just waited around, killing time, completely oblivious to what was happening outside their walls, in the city and further beyond. The streets and alleys, like blood vessels in a body, lay mostly quiet, devoid of people, transport and animals save the odd feral cat.
It had now been a few days since the liberation, and although some people had started to venture outdoors, they did so furtively, scurrying around with bowed heads. The streets were protectorate territory. at least most of the looting had stopped, but not all. The city was now full of protectorate, the Fuchsjaegers with their spiked helmets, the Petroviese with fur on their caps, all looking for spoils of their victory. The Tainish were subject to increased commands from their conceited superiors, and the Cassioni republican
Protectorate tried to outdo them all, strutting along and looking down at everyone else even though their ascendancy had long fled the city. The Murcians however, remained impassive, slouched at the sides of the streets. The city was changed despite the efforts of some to return to normalcy, to take up their work again, reopen shops and market stalls, and resume their day to day lives.

But the garden remained how it was prior to the liberation, as if those who had been in it wanted to immortalise their experience with the scourge and remaining mess, perhaps not even wanting to return to normal, for that would be moving forward from the exciting time they had survived.
In the meantime, the communications team were working to the bone. They were receiving messages from all over Cassion, from Tainland, and beyond too. Many were brought to Lady Eupheme to read or to sign or to dictate a reply.
Two letters Lady Eupheme had just received earned special attention.

We are already taking action to restore commerce in Angoumesse, and while the Tainish have mostly exited, the Petroviese have entered, staking out some territory in the region. Although this appears a major hit, the Fuchsjaegers lost an ally to the Tainish, and have had to scale back their efforts. But Tainish road construction will resume shortly, so there is little doubt that the Tainish will soon take back what was lost to the Petroviese. Meanwhile, their presence is not to our detriment, for they patrols are everywhere, ensuring that the Golden Defemders haveneirher been dispatched or have returned to their lives, hopeful that nobody ascertains their involvement.
Independent reports sugges that they have been effectively suppressed and the local Chancellors and Valiers have taken to executions to reaffirm their own power. Looting has become an issue, and so locals who were at first relieved by the removal of the defenders are now are apprehensive about their own saviours. This must be remedied immediately so that seeds of anti-foreign sentiments cannot be planted again.

The most surprising of all has been the Gawans, who have indicated their imminent departure,and wish to uphold the alliance with others from the beginning of the crisis. It is then who have behaved in an exemplary manner, and we would do well not to forget this. The only exception is one small port city currently held by the Petroviese, and it is clear that they will not stand down to them.
Perhaps the most important news of note is the death of the chancellor in Chevelles- killed after the beheading of a Tainish historian but it is unclear who by. The Tainish protectorate arrived just moments too late, the new chancellor, not yet selected, will be watched. The linguist, you may be aware, was also lost to us.
It would certainly be a black mark if any of your agents were to be connected to these events, but it should be noted that the fixer I mentioned previously performed exceptionally, if indeed he is one of yours. He saved us all. I believe you will soon hear of his accomplishments, engaged in, entirely of his own account from what I understand since there was never any official dealings with the authorities of Chevelles. I list some of the achievements here:
Discovery and organization of removal after interrogations,
Found resources and moved them into location,
Orchestrated transport of supplies to public house and beyond with allies,
Enabled freedom of land protectorate, amd
More than one traitor had been discovered among the staff in Yarazhenya's residence in Chevelles, and he had organised their removal, after conducting quietly efficient but necessary investigations first. He had mobilised the translater, a marine protectorate to remain with the foreign civilians of Chevelles, he has orchestrated the safe escape to the ships of the Land proctetorate combattants in captivity, partly by engaging locals and the Fuchsjaegers. The transfer first to the safe house before escaping the city of the foreigners under siege, he had achieved and had found someone to pass on information. In fact, he had saved nearly everyone but the historian and the linguist, two substantial losses to be sure, but nothing compared to what could have been.

Lady Eupheme sighed, wishing that she had such a competent fixer in every city. Her thoughts moved on to the next social, the powers she would entertain, the information she needed to glean. People would be anxious for a party to share and gossip about the terrible times they had survived. Yes, it was a clear another party was needed. The garden would have to be cleaned up.

Rage and Rebellion (Histories of Havenhearth)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz