7.1 Gwinael

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Gwinael returned to her room, and was served breakfast, but she had absolutely no appetite after what she had just witnessed. When the meal had been cleaned up, she made her bed, just like her protectorate training had taught her, and laid back down on it to wait, staring at her reflection. The head rebel woman came back into Gwinael's room again shortly afterwards, accompanied with an even taller woman in a robe. Gwinael stood up to greet them, almost giving a salute before she realised where she was and who she was saluting.
"Good morning again, Snowberry, I did not enquire before, I trust you slept well?" She didn't wait for an answer, "and that you have thought about what Everything said?"
"Thank you, and yes,"  She paused, and wandered over to the blocked out window, turned, and gave Snowberry a long look.
"And how have you decided?"
Gwinael inhaled deeply, fearful of the woman's response. She spoke slowly, but looked right into her eyes, "I willingly accept your proposal." She smiled, "I figured as much." The leader caught the eye of the other at the door, who had been leaning against the wall, and now stood up straight. "We leave immediately."
Gwinael was led from the room, back along the hall and down the steps into the courtyard. They had apparently removed the body of her fallen fellow combattant. It was quiet, just the rain drops, and their footsteps, echoing in the wet dreary  air. And tenseness- Gwinael hated what was coming. The six were immediately let out, and they walked out, heads held high, backs straight, despite looking haggard, white-faced, fatigued. Already knowing where they were going this time, they marched towards the box, halted, gave another salute, and then stepped in, adjusting their bodies, presumably to be more comfortable. They had no idea how long they would be in there.
The leader gave the nod to the tall woman who cranked a bar attached to a mechanism in the wall, and the front part of the box began to cover them, one by one. There were small cries as it went over, and Gwinael stared at each of them as they disappeared behind the metal plate, trying her best to communicate strength and hope, as they were cut off from light and air. Andri was the last one to be covered, his face expressionless, mouth clamped shut, his eyes on the slow moving plate. First his arm, then shoulder and chest, and then his face. Gwinael caught his eye before it was too late and he let out a small gasp of fear before he too was gone.
Gwinael looked at the woman with hatred. "They'd better be alive when we come back."
"Don't you worry Snowberry," as if she had just said she was nervous about something.
"Can we please leave now?"
"Yes of course, i am just as motivated as you are to get this whole thing over and done with. even more so," her face turned grave, "lives will be saved if my terms are accepted, at least Cassioni lives, since the Tainish will no doubt extend their efforts elsewhere."
A horn was sounded and the sounds of horses could be heard, before they became visible. Four riders, and two horses. The tall woman adeptly one of the empty saddles, and Snowberry was instructed to do the same. She mounted clumsily. "My second in command here also speaks Tainish Snowberry, she will know what you say to your mother. You will limit your conversation to topics of relevance and volunteer no information. You will say that everyone is safe, and that you will be released once my terms have been met. Do you understand?" Gwinael nodded, wondering how good the woman's Tainish really was and trying to think of what languages her mother knew.

The order was given to move out, and out they rode into the rain, now pouring, and through the small streets of the empty town. Gwinael noticed that there seemed to be substantial evidence of burning on the timber buildings. Out they head again towards the hills, where just a short while ago, they had waited in the darkness for their attack, towards the supply route pass. Gwinael wondered if the column had made it through. She spotted riders at the far end of the plain, waiting under a white banner. They began their own trot towards Gwinael's escort. When they were maybe a hundred meters away, they stopped: six riders, the same size as her escort- it must have been prearranged just as the rebel said. Gwinael spotted her mother in the middle, and Heathtree was there too. Her own party slowed down, halting at about thirty meters away. Salutes were exchanged and the two parties moved to within ten meters of each. Gwinael and her mother made brief eye contact, and her mother raised her eyebrows slightly. Gwinael gave a small nod, to indicate she was well. Her mother looked away immediately, and without preamble, addressed the second-in-command, "What is it madam?" Her face turned formal, stiff, hard, and she spoke with disdain. She had no desire to speak with any rebel enemy.  "Commandaire Snowberry, i am second in command to the leader of the Golden Defenders, in Chevelles-" "leader of bandits," her face flushed red,she was not even wasting her time on the head rebel, but a subordinate.
"if you please commandaire, whom I represent today. I take it also, that you represent your leader?"
Gwinael's mother scoffed, and seemed to consider a retort, but decided against it. "I represent Tainish ascendancy, allies and friend of your republic. What do you need to say to me?"
Gwinael studied the scene. The Tainish protectorate appeared relatively relaxed, given the circumstances. She noticed Ally Greenmoor who was staring right at her, as if trying to ascertain what she was thinking, how she had been treated in captivity. She gave a nod to her also, though the staring and attention made her feel uncomfortable. She transferred her gaze to Heathtree, who appeared withdrawn and avoided looking at her altogether. They were all soaked to the bone now, even though the rain has lightened a little.
"I am here with terms."
"Terms?" Her face went fuschia.
"I have neither authority nor intention to discuss terms with a bandit!" Then she added more quietly, "but what are they?"
"Your daughter will explain," the second in command moved her horse aside. "My daughter?" She snapped back.
"She desires to do so, as she shares the Golden Defenders position that they are worthy,"
"Sure she does," the commandaire had clearly not expected this occurrence of events, that was obvious. "She knows nothing!" She was apparently going to continue a tirade, but the combattant to her right leaned over and said something. "Let her speak then," she finally said. It was Gwinael's turn, her stomach turned to liquid. She was certain that no matter what she said, she would not be able to convince her mother, but she would still try as hard as she could, her thoughts turning to the metal box in the courtyard. She needed to choose her language carefully, since she did indeed believe that the terms might be a way to guarantee peace. She looked around, and her insides turned anew to mush. She inhaled deeply.
"I want to-"
"You want? You mean you're commanded to be sure," Gwinael hesitated, she could tell that she had flushed red, what a great start. But her comrades. "No commandaire, I want to give you the terms." Gwinael waited for permission, her mother seemingly speechless. She glanced at her own comrades who just shrugged. "The terms are: if Tainish forces withdraw, there will be peace,"
"Peace? Peace? Peace?" She got louder with each repetition of the word.
Gwinael felt the second in command's state on her, this was it. She began to sweat, despite the cold of her wet clothes. There was no way she could pull this off.
"Part of the terms are that Tainish protectorate must withdraw, and all foreigners except those approved by the chancellor of Angounesse, must also exit the region."
"You do realise that you have been fighting on the side of the republican protectorate?"
"I know, and I know how this sounds, but I believe the Golden Defenders are a substantially numerous group and sincere in their promises. And she has drafted an agreement with the chancellor of Angounesse,"
"I have heard nothing of the sort,"
"Nobody has commandaire, as it is part of the terms. The agreement states that the republican protectorate will withdraw from Chevelles, and eventually all of Angounesse, leaving the region to the Golden Defenders. The chancellor is willing to abdicate, if the Tainish leave, and only those who are approved, with proper documentation may remain."
"You've seen this agreement?"
Gwinael had not foreseen such a question. How stupid she was, not to have thought of asking to read the agreement, or having proof that the chancellor would sign it. "No," she admitted in shame.
"Ridiculous! This is a waste of time," she said, and began to turn her horse.
"I don't think so. It seems practical, logical."
"Logical?" She spat out the word. "How can it possibly be logical? Well?"
"Because the Fuchsjaegerlanders will join the fight against the Tainish, and the Petroviese after that." Gwinael's mother's mouth dropped open, and she could see the shock and surprise on her face. A collective gasp could be heard among the Tainish. The commandaire conferred immediately with her second-in-command, and even Heathtree started whispering with a colleague. They must have knowledge of Fuchsjaegerlanders entry into Angounesse, Gwinael thought, since it appeared that they were treating her statement seriously. Otherwise her mother would have just repeated her earlier statement of Gwinael being ridiculous. Heathtree finished her conference, and for the first time, looked straight at Gwinael, a sly, evil side-smile forming on her lips.

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