5.3 Wynemere

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At five bells, the Tainish flag flapping in the wind, the two ships, Sparrowhawk and Harrier pulled up their anchors and lined up for the passage into the Gloires.
Wynemere stood on the deck at the helm, next to Tobina, who was determined to show everyone that she knew how to steer a ship straight apparently, as she kept pushing Wynemere out of the way to take hold of the wheel. She eventually must have bored of this, for she went to stand on her navigating bridge, swaying up on top of the balls of her feet, then back on her heels, her chest thrust out proudly. Finally she must have bored of that too, because she brought out her telescope and started barking commands back at Wynemere to go starboard then port then back to starboard once more. Wynemere cursed her luck at being placed on her ship, rather than on Harrier with Kody. Recalling their conversation that morning, at least it seemed Subterfuge had taking a liking to Wynemere, as she had revealed their mission, whether she was supposed to or not.

"We've been sent to rescue some Tainish. The blasted Cassioni have taken prisoners, some sort of siege, and it is up to us to bring them out alive. The Cassioni have been told we are heading to Sudmontline, so they will never know we're going where we are, you see."
"Yes Capitaine, at least until we do not go towards Sudmontline,"
Tobina stared at her. "What do you mean?"
"They'll know the moment we do not proceed to Sudmontline, won't they?" Tobina sputtered, and coughed, as if choking directly on Wynemere's words.
"Perhaps yes, but the savages- they- well that's not the point, Brackenridge."
"Yes of course Capitaine,"
"We are to be their rescuers, Brackenridge, An impossible task, but one to which I am equal. Equal indeed. Without us they have no hope but to perish in this spirit-forsaken land, do you understand?"
Wynemere thought the Cassioni were surely not fooled, and it was likely that word had spread already inland about the coming of the Tainish ships. Did Subterfuge really believe that their stated plan to journey elsewhere was sufficient to keep enemy at bay? Wynemere was incredulous, aware of what the Cassioni called them: foreign fiends. Unfortunately, it seemed her Capitaine was a foreign fool and if they ever even made it to their destination, they then had the task of safely exiting the inland areas. Wynemere did something she had only done a few times in her life, and asked the spirits to guide her.

When they had anchored for the night, in keeping with their not very convincing story about going to Sudmontline for trade, Capitaine Tobina, her brown hair pulled tightly back from her face as usual, was greeted by the Capitaine from Harrier, an older woman with short wavy grey hair and a kind-looking face, and a woman in a blue uniform, with three stripes on her shoulder.
. "Getting to the Tainish Legation will require all hands, while defending the vessels at the same time. What we have now will not suffice, and I have received instructions that we will be supplemented with ten protectorate combattants." Tobina said, preening: the presence of forces added to her importance.
"Forces? Aboard our vessel? Will that not draw some unwanted attention?" Wynenere asked, imagining the additional ten women aboard her ship wearing their protectorate uniforms. "They will not be taking anything which could liken them to our forces other than perhaps, some weapons,"
"I understand," she gave a look and said "accommodation and space for weapons storage-,"
"Space will be found aboard Sparrowhawk," Tobina interrupted, puffing up once more, "We are under the commanders orders, do you understand?"
"Yes Capitaine,"
""From here, we should be able to reach our destination in seven days. I estimate an additional three days to complete the mission, and then the seven day return. We thusly expect to return within three weeks. The commander will be waiting for us. if required to provide further protectorate services,"

Wynenere realised the promotion and honours that would come with the success of this mission. But of course, there was so much to consider beforehand, if the ships stayed in one piece, and did not succumb to the gorges, that would be achievement itself. there was the constant threat from the Barbarians, which the marine forces would have to deal with, especially if any fighting had to be done on land. Wynenere has never seen fighting- it made her nervous. She glanced down at her thin, weak arms, and muscle-less stomach. A work in progress, Wynenere thought, recalling Flowerfield's muscly physique.

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