5.2 Cerys

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After a few days of rest, Cerys and the other newly arrived foreigners of Chevelles gathered at Yarazhenya's house one afternoon for a welcome party. Callira, who was supposed to have hosted, had not yet returned from Charroux. The small party's guests included Laure and some of her friends, Bernebe, Yarazhenya, Floren and some business associates of Yarazhenya's. The main topic of conversation so far had been the weather, particularly the ice storm that had occurred a few weeks prior, and the journey of the new arrivals.
For Cerys, it was entirely incomparable to the event hosted by Lady Eupheme- for some reason she had expected it to be as lavish, exotic and mysterious as that one had been, naively thinking that all foreign events in Cassion were like that. But none of those words could ever be used in a description for this stale, stiff soirée and she could not help feeling disappointed and underwhelmed by a party thrown mainly for her. She had had so much adventure in the last little while and had imagined her new life in Chevelles to be equally as full as adventure and exotic mystery. And not only had she imagined it, but had hoped for it too. And instead, she was at mundane sit-down dinner with guests of the type she thought she had left behind in Tainland.

The only redeeming aspect of this event was Floren Cheshirering, who wore a choker and a deep violet tunic and trousers, which made his blue eyes look even icier. He too seemed bored, if his slumped posture and unfocused gaze were to judge by. Floren was not meant for parties with conventional people, Cerys thought. Maybe I'm not either. Floren turned his head, and noticed Cerys looking at him, they shared a look in recognition of their mutual boredom. This common understanding went on for the duration of the entire meal and livened up the entire event as far as Cerys was concerned.

Eventually the talk during the meal turned to work, and what everyone would be doing in Chevelles. Chastain had some research to do, and Cerys was to learn about candle-making, and would eventually work at the market stall and do some of the caravans. Yarazhenya informed Cerys that Evarrlie had also said she was welcome to teach some classes at the language school if she was interested. Nobody asked Floren what he would be doing.

But Cerys did not want to work at all for the next little while. In fact, nothing appealed to her less than work in this new place. All this way to do work she could have done in Tainland did not make any sense. She could have kissed Bermebe, when he came to her rescue, exclaiming to Yarazhenya  "She just arrived, she has never been to Cassion before. Give her some time to explore, to learn, to adjust. When everything new and exciting becomes normal, then I am most certain she will become your best employee." Cerys smiled her thanks at him.
Her aunt replied, "I suppose you are right. I remember when I first arrived here in Cassion. Chevelles's crumbling walls and towers, town hall and markets and shops, and little streets were a wonder." She had a nostalgic faraway look on her face, pausing for a moment. "But Cerys cannot go out alone! What about all of the rumors? And she doesn't speak Cassioni! It's far too dangerous,"
"Well, I have not been here either," Floren Cheshirering spoke to the group for the first time. He had such a manner about him, that when he spoke, people listened.
"My workload remains relatively light. Perhaps, I could join Cerys on some explorations?" The table fell into silence and Bernebe lifted his head, his cheeks burning,
"I am unsure if that is the most appropriate solution," Yarazhenya said, and Cerys blushed, aware that she had just caused tension in the room.
"But it is better than her going alone,," Yarazhenya said, breaking it much to Cerys' relief, who exhaled, realising she had been holding his breath. "What do you think?"
Not wanting to sound too enthusiastic about spending time with Floren,  "If it's not too much trouble," she said as politely and as nonchalantly as she could. Floren leaned forward,  "Absolutely none at all"
Cerys turned red, and lowered her head, not wanting to give away her excitement. "Maybe I could guide you sometime as well, show you some more intellectual and cultural pursuits, at least when I'm not working," Bernebe's voice was quiet but full of passive-aggressive condescension..
"If it's not too much trouble," she replied again, this time she did not have to try to conceal her enthusiasm, "and thank you all."
"Then it's settled," Yarazhenya said, "Time for dessert?" The last conversation seemed to throw off track the casual atmosphere the dinner had begun with.

After a dessert of tarte aux pommes flavoured with cinnamon, the Cassioni guests retired to the shade of a cypress tree in the garden. They watched the sparrows dive for insects and listened to the chirps of the crickets in the heat and fading light of the afternoon.

Inside, the new arrivals and Yarazhenya remained at the table, discussing the recent events they had heard about. "Have you heard any news about Charroux?" Yarazhenya asked. One of her business associates had shared a frightful story.
"No, but we did try to stop there and had-" Cerys began, "to leave immediately." Floren interrupted, not wanting to reveal exactly what had happened.
"What happened?"
"They aren't allowing any foreigners into the town." Berbère said. "Rumor has it that foreigners have even been killed in Cassion. Up north. And that protectorate forces are on their way. I hope Callira is safe, although the chancellor reassured her of her safety. But I don't trust that woman."
"It makes sense for the chancellor to dismiss the rumors of bandits and rebels, as these challenge her power. But a siege on the city? If that's what it was. That is no rumor. That is a rebellion."
"when we stopped, we-" Cerys began again. "Were turned away because they were not allowing foreigners to enter. There was no rebellion." Floren interrupted Cerys again, not wanting either of the women to be scared.
"danger may not yet have reached us here in Chevelles, but it will soon," Bernebe paused, "Being a foreigner in Cassion is a dangerous thing in these times."

Yarazhenya, as host, soon left to join her merchant friends in the courtyard, inviting her niece to join her. The other two remained inside to continue their discussion, and Cerys sat near the open window, to listen in. Cheshirering began, "I have had some sad news from an acquaintance of mine. I had written her to announce my return to Cassioni and I received her reply,"
"What is the news?" Bernebe asked.
"There has been a murder, not far from
here. She says it's a Tainish spiritualist. I am fearful that it was Callira Evarrlie."
"The linguist?" Bernebe gasped. "....Golden Defenders? We must inform the chancellor,"
"You think the chancellor doesn't know?" Floren returned, who didn't seem to be surprised or perturbed whatsoever at this news. "Well, apparently there is no evidence of it being the Golden Defenders,"
"What? Of course it was."
"Well not exactly, it seems that they were known bandits, who simply wanted to steal from the villages."
"How can you say that? We must go to the chancellor right away. In fact, I'm meeting with her tomorrow."
"What do you think she will say?" Floren asked, "she will repeat what she has said before: poor, countryside peasants turned bandits, you're better off not discussing this with her, not until we know more," Bernebe exhaled, defected, realising Floren was probably right- he knew about this kind of thing and Bernebe was an intellectual, a scholar.
"Each attack we hear of seems to be getting closer and closer. And I've had news from a friend of mine, a doctor working further south, towards nanshi, she's actually returning to Tainland. Been here in Cassion for ten years, its her home now, but she says the chancellor in her area is saying the same thing, using the same excuses, that it's just poor peasants looking for some action in their lives. But it's more than that."
Floren, who seemed downright bored, "I've been around this world long enough. And worrying about some rumors, or even if they are true, is not worth it. If you don't like it here, then go home."
"Cheshirering, That's precisely what the xenophobes say. sit's nonsensical. Just because I live somewhere does not mean I have to love everything about it, in fact, new perspectives and criticisms can often lead to improvements. People's dislikes are what causes change. Besides, this is my home too now, so I don't need to be told where I should go,"  Floren listened, and Cerys imagined him shrugging his shoulders. "I will inform you if I fear that we are in danger." Bernebe exhaled with frustration and moments later was bidding Yarazhenya and the others a good evening.

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