7.3 Sophine

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Tobina had been captured, although she hadn't yet seemed to realise it and continued her ranting as they took her back to her ship. "We are not to be afraid to do our duty," she lectured Frontenac as they were herded along which considering the circumstances, seemed crazy to everyone but her.
"What's our duty now?" the dejected reply from Frontenac, absolutely miserable being stuck with Subterfuge in the pouring rain.
"You would ask such a question, wouldn't you? To Tainland of course,"
"Yes, Capitaine,"
"And we will fulfill it once we are back aboard our wonderful Tainish ships."
"And then what, Capiraine?"
"Then we attack,"
"Attack, Capitaine? Like we just did?"
"No you fool, from aboard Sparrowhawk and Harrier,"
"I see, Capitaine." She struggled to remain polite. "but maybe that's why the fuchsjaegers are here?" "Possibly," Subterfuge snapped back, "But do you suggest that I should ignore my duty because of the possibility of fuchsjaegers?"
"No, Capitaine,"
"Then leave me be, Frontenac."
They trudged on in wet defeat, back through the winding streets towards their ships. Stray dogs and cats seemed to glower at them, barking and hissing as they passed. Subterfuge glowered too, deep in thought. She was trying to think of a way out, but her captors had too many horses, and then there was no way around the mob, and a refusal to retreat, it had been made very clear, would result in execution. They had not been stripped of their weapons though, but that was likely so that an amicable retreat could be demonstrated. If the Tainish were now to use their weapons, well then they would conduct the executions under pretences of self-defence. But, she could now tell her superiors that she had agreed to retreat under duress, that would not reflect too badly on her, if they believed her, since it was unusual to retreat with weapons in hand. Sophine had heard everything he explained in a condescending manner to the lady called Frontenac.

They exited the town centre, into clearer air as they neared the river. The river water level had already risen slightly, good for the crops, Sophine thought absent-mindedly. There was no smoke anymore, as the rain had extinguished any of the fires.
"Frontenac! They are crowding us in!" The armed jaegers had formed a tight square around Frontenac, Tobina and Sophine, while the Tainish protectorate forces continued to be led toward the boats, leaving them behind.
Tobina began a similar protest to that from before, and as before, a sword at her throat stopped her. The leader woman summoned Sophine, to explain what translation she was to offer the
Tainish Marine protectorate. "Capitaine, you are to remain here." She said in her quiet voice.
"And why in all Havenhearth is that?"
"A hostage, Capitaine. If there is any attack from the boats, then you will be killed."
"Yes Capitaine," Sophine stood, quietly awaiting the next translation, which lasted only a moment because the instructions flew out of Subterfuge's mouth, at a high volume too. She was to tell the leader that this was crazy, that even the fuchsjaegers would not want her dead, and that there would be consequences, and that she hadn't even been able to give orders to the ones on their way to their ship to not attack, and that they certainly would when they found their Capitaine had been taken prisoner. The rebel leader cocked her head, glanced at the head rider, who shrugged.
"You may send this woman to transfer your orders, but you remain here."
Frontenac tried desperately to cover her relief. "Go ahead then Frontenac,"
"You can count on me, Capitaine," the smile evident in her voice.
"And Whitefall too, talk to her. She knows what she is doing, unlike you," she muttered.
"I will Capitaine, don't worry about me," Frontenac did not intend for that last comment to slip out, and she knew it would be terrible when it did. Tobina launched into a tirade about incompetence and duty and responsibility and Tainish values, mixed with curse words, and Frontenac heard it the entire time she trotted away, making an effort not to go too fast, but was rather indifferent to the shouts that followed her.

Sophine was marched away with Tobina, the latter protesting about her treatment, but her protests fell on deaf ears. Sophine started to get scared. Twice in a short time had she been involved in such a crazy situation, and she didn't know what to do. Soon they reached a large gate which swung open, and Tobina and Sophine were pushed inside. Sophine didn't know where in Chevelles they were- she had never been to this part of town. They were in a guarded courtyard which was muddied and wet from all of the rain. There was a strange looking box along one wall, and a door in the ground, which she realised, was exactly where she was headed. The door was unlocked and she and Tobina Subterfuge were forced in, down a small set of stairs, into a dungeon of some kind, their gaol. It was smelly, but relatively dry. Her eyes took a moment to adjust, and it appeared to be a sizeable cavern. Nobody else there- this wasn't the town's gaol, that much was clear. Naturally, Tobina complained loudly: "I the Capitaine of Sparrowhawk in the Tainish marine protectorate, Sophine here is a citizen of Cassion, tell them Sophine!"
"They already know,"
"I don't care, tell them again!" It was no use, the door was closed and locked and the two of them were left alone in the foetid air. Not being an official gaol was bad news, Sophine realised, since there would be no official record of her being here. No way for her parents to know where she was.
There was nothing to do but wait- even the Capitaine seemed to realise that since she quietened down. She murmured a groan and put her head in her hands.

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