3.3 Eupheme

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Some of the foreign population of Normontline were invited to attend an event hosted by the Legate Eupheme Hanborough, a twenty-year old Tainish high-born who had foregone her ascendancy status at thirteen, to begin her training for legation. This particular event was scheduled to be held outside of the capital, in a countryside spiritualist temple converted to a luncheon venue.
This particular temple with it's curled eaves and complex system of wooden rafters in the roof was normally used solely for reflection and thusly kept in pristine condition by its permanent spiritualist residents. It sat at the edge of a forest about a morning's ride from Normontline. Legate Eupheme had paid handsomely to convert the venue to give it a more Tainish outlook (she intended to use it again), increasing the amount of light by adding windows on each side of the main hall, as well as furniture and carpets that were clearly not local. They had even brought in a small bookshelf stocked with Tainish classics to give it a sitting room feeling. Being high-born, she enjoyed her decor in classic Tainish stylings, and ignored the critiques of those who suggested that her decor might indeed be more appropriate if it tended towards a style befitting it's local Cassioni purposes. But shr also knew what her high-born guests from abroad would enjoy and appreciate. Besides, she was never one to adhere to her critics and being the premiere party host for the foreign population of Normontline and beyond meant that the talk of many of her critics, never even reached her ears: nobody wanted to risk missing one of her events. Although not one to brag about her achievements, she had led a very successful career in legation so far. She alone could be credited for orchestrating the increased Tainish presence and influence within Cassion. She had started by being involved in the Tainish acquisition of the palace turned hotel in Normontline, now her residence, and the first to be owned by foreigners in the capital. She had selected the various locations where the Tainish had begun to settle around the country, including more recently, the small city of Chevelles in the Herb Hills region of Angounesse, having identified it as a strategic stronghold for Tainish interests. She monitored the activities of the Petroviese, the Fuchsjaegerlanders, those of Quirem and Gawa under the guise of being a sociable and charming woman who loved nothing more than throwing elaborate parties.

In addition to the inside, she had also made modifications to the Cassioni courtyard at the back of the complex, converting it to a Tainish garden: Where there once had been bare white walls, and rocks, now laid a neatly trimmed plot of grass accompanied by numerous hedges and climbing plants.

A troop of servers had set out in the middle of the night to ensure that everything was in place for the luncheon the next day. The Legate and her partner themselves had accompanied them, in order to oversee all preparatory activities, and to be able to greet their guests upon their arrival the next day. But the hailstorm had done some serious damage.

and was known for its sizeable stone sculptures of scaly winged dragons, with narrow eyes and long, spiky tails wrapped around them, which acted as guardians to the complex's entrance
Now, in the centre of the courtyard was installed a woven marquis, where staff worked quietly and quickly to lay the luncheon table settings atop red and gold silk cloths, conscious of the supervision the Lady's partner, a native Cassioni, maintained on them, her brown eyes scrutinising every piece that was placed on the table. Eupheme's partner, a native Cassioni, sat nearby in one of the garden chairs, observing the scene.

At that same time, party guests had started to arrive at the Lady's hotel residence in Normontline and a plethora of carriages stood in the front courtyard while a small building nearby, temporarily converted to stables, was full of the visitors' horses' waiting for departure. Finally, the calvalcade set out into the countryside from Normontline. It was a three hour ride, which could be made longer if frequent stops were made, but it was a pleasant and straightforward one nonetheless: on fields gently curving over small hills and through a small forest.

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