7.2 Wynenere

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During the first onslaught, Floren had grabbed Wynemere by the arms, and dragged her through the shield wall into one of the buildings they had just walked by, by the looks of it, it was a coffee shop. He had nodded to the woman working inside and taken her to the back storeroom where she sat on a burlap sac of coffee beans. He indicated to her to be quiet. Wynenere was confused, but not afraid. There was something about this handsome man that made her feel at ease and it seemed to her, that this man had likely already determined what a disaster of a leader Tobina Subterfuge was. They waited in the storeroom and it wasn't long until the horde had apparently passed them by. "We must wait a bit longer," he told her, and she sat, warm and comfortable, listening to the rain, even dozing off a little. The sudden sounds of cavalry brought her out of her daze, and she noted how much louder the rain sounded too.
"Ok we are safe now."
"What is happening?" She finally asked.
"The Fuchsaegerlanders are here to capture your Capitaine and the crew."
"You would have gone to gaol had you remained with them."
"Gaol? What about the girl Sophine?"
"They know her situation, don't worry about her."
"But why did you pull me out?"
"I need your help."
Floren explained that he needed Wynenere to get into the hotel and pass a message to some people called Yarazhenya and Bernebe.
"Why can't you do it?" Wynemere asked.
"Everyone knows me, for one, and I have some other people to take care of who are also in danger from the Golden Defenders."
"Are you sure I'll be safe in there?"
"I guarantee it. By my heart and by the spirits. You will have to wait for my next message, but it will come soon."

Her clothing was so dirty and wet that she would not have been signaled as Tainish, but Floren found her some Cassioni rags to put over top nonetheless. To get to the guesthouse, Floren had led her through some back alleys, over a stone wall or two, and a secret entranceway to the guesthouse block, which brought them into an old shed attached at the back. They waited there just in case anyone had spotted them and were waiting, Wynemere did not know for what. Floren went over the plan and the message again, then bid Wynemere goodbye. Wynemere then realised the extent of her predicament, feeling true fear for the first time since she had to climb the mast back with Tanden and Pickfordshelm, which now felt like it was a lifetime ago. She took in a breath, and stepped forward, toward the old kitchen space. Only a few steps later, a voice ordered her to halt in Cassioni. She raised her hands and identified herself, and was led into the inner courtyard via the current kitchen, where a meal was being prepared, from the looks of it. The woman who had stopped her was one of the workers at the guesthouse, and she called up to Yarazhenya, who was still on one of the upper levels with a young man. She could still hear sounds of the mob, despite the ongoing downpour. She was greeted by Yarazhenya when she finally came downstairs, "Welcome, I hear you are with the Tainish protectorate."
Wynemere introduced herself. "Another mouth to feed, but I think you will end up useful," she smiled.
"I have a message for you, but it's better discussed in private. "It's about Cerys. She is safe."
"Oh thank the spirits, and thank you for delivering the message."
"That's not all,"
"Let us eat first, and you appear to need a wash, and then."

Wynemere ate, cleaned herself up, and explained what she was told by Floren she could share to Yarazhenya, and to Bernebe. They shared their stories about becoming besieged, and about what they could see in front of their gates.
"I'm fearful that I will be punished for desertion, my Capitaine is not an understanding, patient type." Yarazhenya laughed, having witnessed the Tainish Capitaine herself, "Even we know that."
Wynemere proceeded with completing the instructions, "How many foreign people in here?"
"Including yourself, eight, three of which are children."
"Is everyone unharmed?"
"Yes, no attacks have been made. In fact they seem to ignore us. Wynenere took a look onto the street in front of the hotel. The sounds had died down and the street was quite empty bar the few republican guards. "The biggest concern is our stores."
"What do you have in terms of weapons?" Yarazhenya shrugged.
"Kitchen implements?"added Bernebe.
"That's it." Yarazhenya confirmed. "Why do you ask?"
"I also have a small package for you, and private message to you from Cerys," Bernebe looked first happy, and then disappointed. Wynemere handed over a small purple pouch tied with a black string. Bernebe snatched it up eagerly. "It's ok, I'll leave you to it now," and he left the room.

Wynemere explained everything she had been told by Floren, though she understood little of it. She needed to question the foreigners in Chevelles: someone was sharing Tainish ascendancy information- they suspected it had been the linguist, but she was now dead, and still the leaks had continued. Floren's instructions were strange and vague, but even if she had received more precise instructions, it was all well beyond Wynemere's understanding. Nonetheless, she was to ask everyone in the hotel a series of questions and observe their responses. Wynemere was nervous, Floren had instructed her well, but she had never had to do something like that before. Wynemere questioned Yarazhenya and all of the Wheatstone family perfunctorily, but it was thought that it was Bernebe who was the mole. She became even more nervous when it was his turn- she was not sure how the man would react, if he would deny, agree or what. She just had a part to play, she continued to remind herself. Bernebe enterrés the room, moving slowly. He sat down, pupils dilated.
"What's your connection to Hettenhausen?" she asked. "Books," Bernebe admitted with an exasperated sigh after a pause. Wynemere was shocked, but it was just as Floren had said it would be.
"Yes, I'm a scholar, it's normal for me to have books around, isn't it? And the spirits know everyone can use more books, more reading, more education. it's easy to hide messages in books," he added, slurring his words, with a glazed look in his eyes.
"And Hettenhausen?"
"A friend, we go way back."
Bernebe peered around, getting bored already, wishing to go back to his room and his pouch. "She propositioned me, and I agreed to help pass on messages through my books."
"Who to?"
"Hettenhausen, mainly. Sometimes others too. Whoever paid I guess."
"Good spirits!"
"The jaegers?"
"No, never them."
"But you know Hettenhausen was passing them on?"
"I do now." Bernebe rubbed his forehead, looking grave.
"Do you gave any messages now?"
He paused.
"For Hettenhausen?"
"Yes, for Hettenhausen." There was condescension in his voice.
"Would you give me the message?" Wynemere asked, there it was, the big question.
"What are you going to do with it?" "Something that might just save us all,"Bernebe looked in Wynemere's eyes. "Then yes, I will," he finally said, opening one of the books he had recently been carrying with him, he pulled out a small parchment. The writing on it seemed to be in the Tainish alphabet and numerals, neat penmanship. Bernebe hesitated, frowning, and gingerly handed over the paper. Wynenere read, while Bernebe paces and fidgeted. Yarazhebya sighed and huffed, making her impatience known. Wynenere finally nodded and thanked Bernebe for his cooperation. "You may leave me to this now, it cannot fall into the wrong hands of course,"
"No of course not. Please return my parchment and I will be on my way."
"What does it say?" Yarazhenya interrupted. Wynenere ignored her, continuing the conversation with Bernebe.
"This must be destroyed, we both know the contents well enough, I presume?"
"Yes of course I do."
"And I believe you have some fire with you, for your pipe," Bernebe started, surprised of Wynenere's knowledge. Floren had briefed her well. He removed the fire maker from his pocket and continued his angry muttering while alighting the parchment. They all watched it burn to black ash.
"Thank you to you both," Wynenere spoke definitively, slightly relieved that her mission this far has been successfully completed. "You may now leave." They watched Bernebe speed out, anxious to return to his room, and no doubt his pipe.
When they were alone, Wynenere said, "I must get the message back to Floren, but I could get captured. So I need you, and possibly others to know what was in the letter. Is there anyone else in here that can be trusted to remember the contents?" Yarazhenya cocked her headroom the side, "Here there's only the Wheatstones and some workers. We must get to the boats."

Rage and Rebellion (Histories of Havenhearth)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora