6.3 Tobina

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Fuchsjaegerlanders were known for being pushy, and this one was certainly no exception.
"Fine. A few minutes."
She stepped through the door of her cupboard, lowering herself onto her bed, while the other stood.
"As I said, a few minutes,"
"Let's start by you telling me what you know."
"About ----?"
"Yes, about the situation."
"Very little, why do you ask?"
Tobina sighed, this was not going to be a few minutes.
"It will save me some time if I know what you do,"
"I know what I've been told. And that's it."
"Your orders?"
"Being to help bring out those under siege?"
"Yes hettenhausen."
"Ok thank you." She paused, "nothing else?"
"Nothing," that concerns you, she wanted to add, "is that all Hettenhausen?"
"You realise this will be a rather tricky operation,"
"Yes, thank you, Hettenhausen,"
"Even difficult maybe?" Tobina sputtered.
"The Tainish protectorate have never been put off by difficulty. Is there nothing else hettenhausen?"
"I'm sorry Capitaine, I did not mean to implicate such. I just need to inform you of my understanding, before we arrive."
"Yes, hettenhausen, proceed."
Hettenhausen explained that there were diplomatic considerations at play, and that the relationships between Cassion and the European nations were at stake. She went on at some length, and Tobina sat there, thinking only of how all the Fuchsjaegerlanders she had ever met, had tended to ramble on and on, to make the single point they had said at the beginning anyway.
"I thank you for your earnesty, hettenhausen. I will take it all into consideration. A good day to you. And may the spirits guide you well," She said, when the woman finally finished her spiel, adding the comment at the end as emphasis, just in case there was any ambiguity as to whether the conversation was over or not. And yet, the stubborn foreigner would not exit her quarters.
It would be easier, if you just tell me what you already know, Capitaine."
"About what?"
"About Angounesse. The situation there."
"As I said before, Nothing." The Capitaine deadpanned.
"That is what I said, hettenhausen. Once again, my orders are what I know."
"Your orders being to bring out all the foreigners, you mean?." Hettenhausen immediately seemed fuchsjaegerlandush in Tobina's eyes- Jaegee's were always blunt, and this made them sound rude.
"I intended no offence, Capitaine."
"what, precisely, do you want?"
"just simply to inform you of the diplomatic background, as I have done, so that when you meet with the authorities, you will be..." she trailed off, as if searching for a word, "well-enough prepared." Jaeger's were also long-winded and at the end of her spiel, she gave a smile, not an eye smile, a mouth one only age her eyes remained cold. An untrustworthy smile, Tobina thought.
"You are here to make sure I don't screw up, is that it?"
"Your words, Capitaine." Another oily smile. Impertinent fool. After Hettenhausen's dismissal,
Tobina wiped her wet forehead, and gave a big sigh. It was humid enough to be tropical, without the lovely beach and sea. Instead, she was headed inland right into barbarian territory dealing with imbeciles. If only the world could be Tainish, it would be such a better place. I suppose maybe someday it might be, if we continue our expansion. Fewer stinky savages and their too numerous children, she thought. the Capitaine slept, and thought little more of the intruder.

At six bells, the she rose to take her morning meal, finding that Kody Whitefalls was doing the same thing. "Did you hear Hettenhausen going on about nothing last night?" She said to the cook.
"No Capitaine, anything of consequence?"
"nothing of importance, nothing I did not know already, that war must not be provoked." The Capitaine stopped her voice, "And she gave us a heads up about a possible foreign enemy. One who is in with the Cassioni legis- It's all very corrupt if you ask me. Typical of those from these lands." She shook her head. "The ascendancy, they are involved too. Not directly, but they use legis as their intermediaries. It's a mess. The Fuchsjaegers want in, the Petroviese, the Murcians as well. And you can imagine how the Murcians will react if the others get in first."
"Same as us Tainish," Kody interjected.
"We're trying to get our footing here too, aren't we?" Tobina looked at her as if she had three heads.
"Well yes, but it's different for us."
"Our endeavours are as noble. Because we are Tainish." And she burst into song, an energetic version of the Tainish anthem, the cook and a few others down the alleyway joined in.
"Capitaine." A voice interrupted from somewhere on deck. "To deck, please. Quickly please. Chevelles in view, and seems to be on fire."
"I shall come to the bridge. Who is at the wheel?"
"Greenmount." The voice called back.
Her first view of Chevelles did not sway her opinions of Cassioni cities - Hot, dirty, wet and smelly although Chevelles did not look as bad. Granted it was rundown, a pile of stones on an aging city wall, but some formidable buildings in view. No doubt it was just as smelly as elsewhere however. But the city was under some sort of attack- or something- the smokes of fires all over as the only evidence at this point. She looked through her glass of magnification, but she could not see anything just yet.
"Don't like the look of this place, Greenmount," as she leaned forward against the guardrail.
"Will we be under attack?" Greenmount enquired. Greenmount was a decent sailor, but did not have a clue about protectorate strategy.
"Certainly not when they see our Tainish banner," she turned and saluted at it.
"Even if go ashore Capitaine?"
"I do not believe they'll try anything against us Tainish. We can handle this with good Tainish tact. Can you hear anything?" Greenmount listened, and faintly heard, she thought, something akin to a cheering crowd, just like at the sports games she had gone to as a child. " Something's happening, but I can't tell what." 
"A most helpful observation, Greenmount." This crew was so lucky to have Tobina Subterfuge aboard with them. "I'll make a signal."
"To whom, Capitaine?"
"Do not trouble me with such useless comments," Tobina said, her voice full of irritation. "I suppose they have legis of some kind, or valiers or something, or possibly protectorate. Make a light signal to say that they must release the prisoners,"
"In Tainish, Capitaine?" Greenmount asked.
"Again with the useless questions, of course in Tainish, What language do we speak?," Grennmount shrugged and passed on the order. The signal was sent out, and they waited for a reply.

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