6.5 Wynenere

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Wynemere looked through smoke, early morning fog and raindrops out towards the small city the next morning. Menacing smoke hung all over, filled with the glow of burning buildings. She thought she could hear the sounds of battle, the clash of swords, the twangs of bows, the shouts of combattants. For her, the rain was welcome as it would put out some of the fires, and might also dampen some of the rage that was leading to them being lit in the first place. Her mind began to race, as she wondered what was in store for her. They were going to be landing today, and communications between the two ships were ongoing. Kody stood next to her, breaking her thoughts: "a rowboat, look!" She raised a finger. Wynemere brought her gaze to match the direction of Kody's outstretched arm, and spied the small boat through the mist, carrying two people, both rowing. But as they neared, the passengers became no more identifiable than when they were silhouettes in the mist. One was a girl, maybe of thirteen or fourteen. The other, a tall, slim, very attractive man. Neither wore uniforms- the dark haired man wore a blue tunic, with brown trousers, and the girl had a hooded robe in indigo.
"We'd better get the Capitaine," Kody said, and hurried off.

The man went by the name of Floren Cheshirering, and appeared to think that he could give orders. Of course Tobina could accept none of that, and she tutted and scoffed, and bounced up and down on her feet to show her disdain. The girl, Sophine, was a local peasant, but was acting as interpreter between various parties.

The man, Cheshirering, had a feline-like energy to him. Every movement he made was smooth, graceful, Powerful. somehow he knew Tobina Subterfuge from several years earlier. "Hello miss Subterfuge, it is nice to see you again," he said, the Capitaine became even more angry.
"Capitaine to you,"
"Oh of course, Capitaine, and what was the ship's name? I do not recall? Was it Herald? Or Angel? Something along those lines," Tobina turned fuschia. "I cannot recall that we ever sailed together- what did you say your name was?"
"Ah yes, it was called Guardian. I remember now, what times-" Subterfuge cut off her interlocutor.
"Yes yes, it's Cheshirering, you say? Well I can't remember every ship, such an illustrious career as I've had,"
"Indeed," the man chuckled.
"Now what are you doing aboard my ship?" She emphasised the word my. "In Chevelles? In Cassion even? And if you are marine, then where is your uniform?"
"I'm sorry?" Floren cupped a hand around his ear, "I didn't catch that last bit?"
"Oh blast. Forget it. And the girl?" "I can't quite explain," Floren replied, "she seems to have fallen in to an interpreting role. She was speaking with some of those besieged. She's very linguistically talented," Floren flashed her a smile.
"And why are you not also-"
"They know me here. Perhaps we should discuss in quarters?"
"Absolutely not, so then knowing you is why you have also not been placed in captivity?"
A slight nod was all he offered. Wynenere could see Tobina's short patience die out, certain that she was on the verge of an explosion of fury to the new arrival. Certain that a barrage of insults were soon to be released, but Floren seemed be reading the Capitaine.
"My ascendancy, like yours, believes some matters are better handled by protectorate."
Wynenere was not sure what had just happened, but Tobina softened immediately. Even smiled.
"We are alike after all. I welcome you aboard, and perhaps you can explain to our unwelcome addition to the crew, Hettenhausen, who appears to believe that she can overrule protectorate."
"I would indeed like to speak to her, I may have some information about their whereabouts, better shared in quarters Capitaine. May we?" He flashed a smile. That smile probably got him his way a lot, Wynemere thought. "But I am very busy, and we are landing soon, you must be concise," But Tobina Subterfuge was still Tobina Subterfuge.

They were not long in quarters, and Tobina returned excitable, anxious about imminent action. No doubt she had big plans to show off, now not only to Hettenhausen and the enemy, but to Cheshirering, a former or current marine-it wasn't made clear to Wynenere- as well.
"All ready, Brackenridge?" Tobina calked out.
"Landing party standing by. Prepare yourself. Two blasts."
A horn sounded in the fog and rain. And then again.
"Well, come on the Brackenridge," and Wynenere, confused because she had not received any previous instructions about landing, followed her Capitaine to the landing boat, along with Floren, Hettenhausen, the interpreter Sophine, and another boat of protectorate combattants. Harrier sent out two boats as well. The order was given and off they rowed, through the mist towards the wharf. Wynenere soon saw ghost-like figures on the wharf, floating around. She did not know what they were doing.

Subterfuge looked back to check on the progress from the other rowboats, who were right behind, and when they reached the wharf, Wynenere was surprised at how nimbly the Capitaine hopped out of the rowboat, onto wet stone steps up to the wharf. She climbed up with her chest up and shoulders back, up into the smoke and fog and among the floating silhouettes. She drew a sword before stepping up off of the stairs, a long sword from within a blue and white scabbard tied at her waist and waited as the others from Wynemere's ship followed her up. When the second little board had emptied but one, she began to bark orders. "Frontenac, you take the rear,"
"Capitaine, I-"
"but you give no orders, you follow mine only. You lot in front. Brackenridge with me. We must make haste. Where's that interpreter girl?"
"Here, Capitaine."
"You with me also. What is your name?"
"It's Sophine, Capitaine."
"Very well Sophine, now Cheshirering, you with me and do remember whose commands you are following here." And just in case there was any question, she added firmly, "mine!"
"I must-"
"No time! No time Cheshirering, we must proceed." By this point, the landing party from Harrier had had joined them.
"Ready to proceed," Subterfuge announced. "Move off," sword still in hand, she began walking, with Wynenere, Sophine and Cheshirering nearby, surrounded by marine protectorate. Altogether they moved into the town centre, their cloth boots getting wet through on the old Cassioni stone. But they walked in perfect formation, and Wynemere caught a glimpse of pride in Subterfuge's expression, recalling what she had told her earlier:
The Tainish, and particularly their Marine protectorate, are respected through the world. Confidence probably went aways in protectorate matters, but all Wynemere could think of was that relying on the pompousness of Tobina Subterfuge, as they all were now, was a mistake.

The smell of fire and smoke was much stronger now. Wynemere glanced at her Captaie who stared straight ahead, up the road Sophine had confirmed, led to the central market square, and to where the siege was taking place. There were two locations, she had been told, both near to each other and the Capitaine asked the poor Sophine for a running commentary about where they were. Street of shoemakers, Wynenere heard, and street of tailors, both shrouded in firesmoke.
The Capitaine called back to Frontenac. "Frontenac, no enemy! No courage no doubt" There was the pompousness Wynenere was worried about. "They saw our protectorate and have run away to hide," she waved her sword.
"Could be a trap, Capitaine," Cheshirering said. Wynenere was no combattant, but she felt the handsome man was probably correct in his assessment.
"Doubtful, Cheshirering, the Cassioni are not known for being stealthy."
"Don't count on what you've heard." He mumbled back.
Tobina strutted along, her eyes bright, waving her sword around as she spoke. "Confidence is key,"
A hand on her arm made her jump, "Hettenhausen, what on earth do you want?"
"I think the man's right."
"Blast it, nonsense," She snapped at her, looking angry.
Cheshirering tried again, but Wynenere could tell he knew it was a waste of time, "We should probably be ready, just in case."  She scoffed. "Seriously, do you honestly believe that the Tainish marineptotectorate, under my watch is anything other than ready for attack?" She waved her sword again.
"For that, Captaie?" Hettenhausen pointed ahead, and Wynenere and the others all saw at the same time, coming towards them, out of the fog and the smoke, was an pack of Cassioni, all wearing yellow scarves. They stopped their advance when theTainish did. But Tobina Subterfuge pressed on, after closing her gaping mouth, and calling out for everyone to stand to. Frontenac, at the rear, felt something behind her, and whipped around to face another solid wall of Cassioni, advancing towards them. Her insides turned to mush as she shouted up to Tobina. "Enemy at the rear! Enemy at the rear!" The small force of Tainish were surrounded.

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