8.3 Tobina

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Another arrow whistled right by Subterfuge's head, and she dove down, but being in a flimsy raft, she ended up overboard with a big splash. Arms immediately grabbed her under her shoulders and pulled her back into a raft. She had inhaled a mouthful of water on the fall and curled up on the bottom-board, coughing and gasping for air. As she did so, arrows, shouts, cries, splashes continued. She was confused as to who was shooting whom- the Fuchsjaegers did not have archers, but it seemed as if some arrows were being fired at the enemy from somewhere. At least the mob did not seem to appear in full force. Or at least they were being kept at a distance- Tobina could not tell. However, it was not long until she realised that she was alone in her little raft. All of the others from the hotel had disappeared. She wanted to ask where they were, but decided against it, worried that revealing her identity might get her into more trouble. They seemed to be moving however, she hoped towards the riverbank. Her instinct told her to lay low and stay quiet.
"We're on our way your ship now, Capitaine, stay where you are if you please," it was Hettenhausen who whispered. That blasted Jaeger. She mumbled something in return as acknowledgement but they remained stationary for what felt like an hour. Tobina may have dozed off- she wasn't sure. she heard her give an order to alter their course down a different alley. This was the craziest situation Tobina had ever been in- being punted down the streets of a city on a raft, between buildings just visible in the darkness. Then, she snuck a peak from out under the disgusting wet thing that was on top of her, and spotted some lights ahead- they were coming from her ship she was certain of that.
And it wasn't Hettenhausen who was in the boat with her anymore- she was alone.
Hettenhausen has to be brought in, she thought, noticing a raft turning around and disappearing into one of the flooded alleyways. That must be Hettenhausen, who had probably spotted the ships on the river. Tobina rose to her knees and pointed "that Fox is getting away! After her!" Nothing happened with her craft, but another seemed to be pursuing her. "Who's pursuing her?" No answer. This time Tonina grabbed the pars herself, pushing the towers out of the way, and started rowing herself. Hettenhausen vanished, but only for a moment. Subterfuge made it to the alley just as the other craft caught up with Hettenhausen. There was some exchange of swords and shouts, and then a body leapt onto her raft. They continued Hand-to-Hand and Hettenhausen was knocked down. The figure dove onto her, and barely a moment later, was on its way in the darkness. When Tobina reached her, she found her arms tied behind her back, her face furious. Tobina grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her over the edge of the raft, and they resumed their way to the river as the rain finally started to let up. She clambered aboard, relieved, and made sure her prisoner was secured and put under arrest. "Whitefall you haven't done too badly. That Brackenridge though, I have never been made to look so foolish. What will everyone think of the Tainish marine now?" Kody knew better than to reply and just shrugged. "Capitaine, I have a letter for you."
Capitaine Tobina Subterfuge faced two alternatives, delaying leaving Chevelles until the flood waters receded, and waiting for those they were missing- Brackenridge and the foreign citizens the capitaine had so far failed to rescue, or leaving right away- although the rain had slowed down, the river continued to swell. The letter, although she was not sure who it was from, urged speed- the Petroviese were on their way and threatened to seal the Tainish in the river. "Oh nonsense, we shall never be sealed in," she has said out loud while reading it. "We will fight our way out. Whitefall, do you know if the legations in Nordmontline has also received this information?"
"I cannot say, as I am not even sure how this letter got here," Tobina thought for a moment about what that meant, but couldn't figure it out. "We will boost anchor and be on our way in the morning," she sannounced, "now get some rest until then."

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