Purest Proof Of Love.

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Nick had a late training that night. He went to the gym and then for a long run, which resulted in him coming home at 11pm.
Ellie went to sleep early because they also had a big day, the energy her boyfriend have is impressive.
When he came home and went into their room, he saw something that immediately chocked him.
Ellie was sleeping her head and hand on his pillow.
Which brought him to realization.

It all started when they got together after the hit and run. A little bit over a month after, Nick was completely fine and they decided they could start spending the night at each other's places.
It was the first time they slept in the same bed so when Ellie rested her head on his chest and her hand on his heart, he thought it was just comfortable.
At first it was a little uncomfy for him but considering the light weight of his girlfriend, he got use to it and now he even enjoy it.
But when he saw her in the exact same position, he started asking himself questions.
He never liked to wake Ellie up, but he needed to know. So he went next to her.
He wanted to shake her a bit but she was apparently having a nightmare, considering the sound and movements she made during her sleep.
"You're home..." she whispered sleepily.
"Yeah babe, I am. Can we talk for a bit?" He asked stroking her hair.
"Yeah of course. You're okay?"
"I am but are you?"
"Wha- yeah I am why?"
"You were having a nightmare. And you were sleeping as if I was there, but instead of me, you were holding the pillow."
"Oh I'm sorry I know you don't like when someone take your pillow I'll-"
"No, no, no. It doesn't bother me if it's you. Not at all. But I need to ask. Did you always sleep like that?"
"No, not always. Why? It bother you? I can stop if-"
"Hey, can you calm your brain down for a sec? I love it. But Uhm- I feel like there's something behind this."
"I just- I just like you. A lot. And I want to feel you and the warmth. And feel your heart beat like this I know you're alive." she said, but the last part was almost silent.
"You're scared I'm gonna fade away?"
"Yeah..." she said a tear rolling down her cheek.
"Since the hit and run?"
"Yeah... Your heart stopped Nick. I just want to make sure it's well now."
"I'm all better now El, it's been 10 months."
"I know but it's just- I love you better when you're alive and when you sleep you don't move at all so sometimes it feels like you're dead until I put my hand on your heart."
"Okay, I love you Ellie. I didn't know you were still scared."
"I'm always scared..." she whispered going back to sleep.
"Okay, we'll talk about this later babe. I'm going to take a shower, I'll be back real quick." Nick said kissing a half asleep Ellie.
When he came back from his shower, what he saw was now the cutest thing.
Ellie was peacefully sleeping like she was a few minutes prior with a small smile on her face.
He was already in love. But this, this was the cutest thing he saw and the purest proof of love.
He chuckled and took the place of his pillow carefully moving Ellie on his chest.
"I love you Eleanor Bishop." he whispered.
"Love you too..." she said.

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