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I got home to my shared appartement with Ellie from my morning run.
Ellie was singing and didn't hear me. It was the first time she was being herself since we bought the appartement two months ago. I went to the bathroom where she was and she was living the clip of the song. She was dancing and singing at the top of her lungs, it was so funny yet so cute to see. I let her go on.
Everything was nice, until she spotted me.
"I'm so sorry I-I won't do it again I- I didn't check the time I-I thought I- I'm sorry..." She said really fast, trying to explain herself.
"Hey, don't worry I liked it-"
"No I-I'm sorry I made this much noise I promise it won't happen again."
"Ellie, I told you it's okay." I said confused going to hug her.
"Please don't hit me!..." She whispered loud enough for me to hear while protecting her face with her hands.
"What- Ellie I would nev- Why-" I started until I saw the look in her eyes.
She was scared, and hurt.
It clicked.
"This bastard- Did he- did he hit you?" I asked getting angrier by the minute.
"I'm sorry..." She said looking away.
"Why didn't you say anything El? I'm so sorry I didn't- I didn't know..." I said asking for her permission to hug her.
She nodded. "He made me promise and-  and- I didn't think- I was gonna moved in with someone again. I'm sorry." She cried burying herself deeper into my embrace.
"Hey baby, look at me. I will never, I mean NEVER! Hit you. I don't want you to think other wise."
"I'm so weak!..." She cried again.
"Ellie you are not weak, you're a survivor."
"I-I should've-"
"Don't even think about it. You didn't do anything wrong"
"I'M SO SORRY!" She cried in pain.
"It's not your fault." I said leading her to the bed.
I kept muttering sweet nothing as she kept apologizing until she calmed down.
"I-I'm sorry..."
"It's okay babe."
"The scars- they're not- they're not from the NCIS training..."
"I know babe, I know."
I'd kill him if it wasn't for Ellie hating me.
"I'm sorry..." she kept saying over and over again.
"You didn't do anything wrong babe it's okay I love you." I said kissing her hair.
"I want- I wanted to-to tell you but - but we weren't together and I didn't know what you would think if I just- just spat out the- the thing and then it was easier to lie and- and I'm sorry I didn't tell you..." she said out of breath.
"I'm not mad El- not at you at least- I promise I'm not mad. You can do all the noise in the world I won't ever be mad at you for being yourself. And I will never hit you."
"I know I'm sorry it's not against you."
"I know babe it's okay, I love you."
"I love you too..." She said burying herself deeper in my embrace.

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