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It was 11 PM and there was a knock on Bishop's door. She got up and opened it wondering who can possibly be at her place at this hour.
"Hi babe!" Said a drunk Nick.
"Nick? What are you doing here?"
She didn't even care about the name he called her or what she was wearing.
"Uh- I just wanted to say 'Hi'. I can't say hi to my partner in crime?"
"You're drunk aren't you?"
"No, no! I might have a few drinks but-"
"Urgh, come here you're not going home."
Nick managed in an unknown way to reach her bathroom before throwing up.
"A few drinks uh?" She said handing him water and rubbing his back.
"Yeah I might have changed the truth a little." He said reaching for the glass.
She scoffed.
"Don't laugh! I'm sure you've been in a worst shape because of alcohol."
"I don't get drunk, come here." She said taking his arm.
"What do you mean you don't get drunk?!"
"I tried, never managed to."
"Oh, it goes with you're ability to eat whatever you want and still stay skinny as hell!"
"Rude! I'm not gonna take it personnaly cause you're drunk..."
"Not in a bad way! You're hot!" He said resting his head on the couch.
He just called her hot. She wished for that day. But not in that way, not in this situation.
"Stop talking you're drunk you idiot." She said laughing. "You have a bucket in case you still want to throw up and water on the table, good night Nick."
"Thanks babe!"
She was too tired to say anything.

Nick woke up on the couch. He fall asleep here last night. He got up and went into his room to finish the night in his bed. He was still a little tipsy and had a massive headache so he didn't turn the lights on. After running into a few wall he didn't even remember were there, he reached the bed. He got under the cover and...
"NCIS DON'T MOVE!" Screamed a girl in the bed pointing her gun at him.
"Woaw!" He said falling on the ground. "What are you doing in my bed!?" He asked.
"What am I- What are you doing in MY bed?!!" She asked.
"What? It's not-"
Then he realised.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry El! I thought-"
"Don't worry, you thought it was your place."
"Yeah I'm so sorry. I don't even remember coming here last night." He said heading to the couch.
"Well I remember." She said laughing.
"Oh my god what did I do?"
"You called me babe, threw up, called me hot and skinny after you learned that I don't get drunk." She said from the kitchen.
"Urghh- I'm sorry El, I'll make it up to you."
"Don't worry, I'm used being called like that." She said siting down.
"In college every drunk guy came into my dorm after parties. They meant that I was skinny but they never meant that I was hot."
"I mean it!"
"Uh- I mean it, you're hot. But not only! You're pretty, funny, smart, perfect..."
"Are you still drunk?"
"No El, I- I really mean it, as well as I really like you and really want to kiss you right now." He said looking her in her eyes.
"Oh shut up!" She said kissing him.

After they did what comes after the kiss and what they've been waiting for so long...
"So... you don't get drunk?"
"Nop." She said getting under the covers.
"I'm sure I can make that happened." He said laying his arm around her neck.
"You can try..." she said kissing him.
"Nick? What does that means?" She asked.
"Are we together? Or is it just sex to you? Or-"
"El, I want everything, not just sex. Even if it was extremely good babe..." he said carressing her chest.
"So... we're together?" She asked laughing.
"Great!" She said kissing him.

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