Shooting stars.

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Tonight is shooting stars night! I'm so excited! As I enter the bullpen, both McGee and Torres are there.
"Hi guys!" I said happy.
"Hi Bishop." Said McGee.
"Why are you so happy B.?" Asked Torres.
"Because... tonight is shooting stars night! Do you wanna come?" I asked to the guys.
"Uh- I can't, Delilah and the kids wants to have a movie night so I'll pass, sorry Bishop." Explained McGee.
"Oh, well it's okay don't worry you have to be with your family, it's important." I said kinda disapointed. "And you Nick?"
"Nope, I have plans with this girl tonight." He said laughing.
"Okay, well I'll go alone." I said even more disapointed and a little sad.

We didn't have a case so we worked all day on paper work.
At the end of the day I went to a place where I could see the sky.


I lied. I don't have a date, I just don't want to be alone with Ellie because I'm having trouble hiding my feelings. And watching the stars with only her is just too much. I feel bad tho, cause I saw the look on her face when she said that she'll go alone, it was heartbreaking. She looked so sad and disapointed. I got to where I assumed she would be.
"El.?" I asked.
She turned around really scared and pulled her gun out.
"Woaw stop calm down it's me!"
"I'm so sorry Torres it's just that someone came earlier and-"
"What happened?"
"Nothing important he just scared me."
"You sure?" I asked sitting next to her.
"Yeah it was a drunk guy who wanted to smoke."
"What are you doing here? What about your date?"
"Uhm- I kinda lied to you."
"Why? You could have just say 'no' if you didn't want to come."
"I wanted to come but I was scared being alone with you, watching shooting stars, would make me admit my feelings for you." I said hoping for a great reaction.
"Uh- you have feelings for me?"
"Yes. Do you?"
"I- uh- I think so, no, I'm pretty sure I do but I thought I wasn't your type."
"Well you're not the usual type of girl that I date but you're better."
As a shooting star passed by, I kissed her and it was awesome.
"I love you Ellie."
"I love you too."

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