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[This is 20 years later, don't count the age of Gibbs or Jack or anyone but Anniela, Ellick's kid who's 16. The team is the same as in season 17, they're the same age. (I don't want them to grow old lol.)]


On fridays, Anniela comes to the office after school to say 'Hello' to the NCIS family.

"Hi An.!" I said going to hug her.
"Hi guys! Do you have a case?"
"Nop, we're doing paper work."
"So do you guys have time to answer a question for me?"
"Get to the point An." Said Gibbs smiling. He's always smiling when he sees Annie. She looks a lot like Ellie and I and I think he's happy to have a new girl in the family, even if there is Morgan, she doesn't come as often as Annie does.
"Yeah right Grandpa. So today my friends were talking about where their name is from. Like why are they call like that. And when they asked me, well-"
"You don't know?" Asked McGee surprised.
"Nop, I don't. So can you guys please tell me?"
"Yeah of course." Said Ellie.
"So, we once had a case about a coin and it turned out the coin had a really romantic story." I started.
"It lead us to the incredible love story of Arturo and Annie. We were all having a bad day and Ducky told us to get into the character's skin." Continued Ellie.
"Oh, so 'Anniela' is from here?"
"But why this name, like you had thousands of other cases, why this one?"
"'Cause this is the one your parents feelings got bigger." Said Gibbs.
"Oh!... I see! So that day you guys got together?"
"Nop! They didn't admit their feelings for again a year after that. Even tho they were flirting with eachothers for years already." Mocked McGee.
"Why wouldn't you tell the other?" Anniela asked.
"'Cause he was too much of a wuss for that. And she was too I guess." Said Ziva coming from behind Annie.
"Aunt Ziva! Uncle Tony! I didn't know you were in D.C." An said hugging them.
Ziva laughed and continued the story.
"I had to litteraly throw her in his arms for them to admit the thing they were having."
"Pfff... you should've tell eachother." Annie said.
"Yeah but at the end we did." Pointed out Ellie.
"Yeah yeah! I'm gonna see Jimmy and Kasie." Annie said leaving towards the elevator.
"She's getting prettier everytime I see her." Said Tony. "She has a boyfriend yet?"
"NO!" I screamed. "Sorry, no."
"She's gonna have one eventualy Nick, she's pretty." Said Ellie.
"I know that. And of course she is. Your genes and my genes obviously made perfection." I said.
"Oh my god you really said that?!." Asked Ellie.
"Well I'm not wrong duh!"
She shook her head and we all got back to work.

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