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A Marine went wild in an elementary school. There are several dead. Ever since that day, Bishop's fake. She is not focus, not eating her junk food or anything, not taking care of herself, and she looks like she's not sleeping. I can also tell she's been hiting the bag at the gym without gloves. Her knuckles are always red, sometimes bleeding. She's always early in the office and leave after everyone. She is still smiling tho. She smiles so much that it's not even a real smile. Bishop's fake.
It was time for our lunch break but Ellie disapeared as soon as she could. I found her on the roof, working on her laptop.
"Bishop?!" I asked when I found her.
"Torres? You're not eating with McGee?"
"I have to do something before."
"What's the 'something'?"
"I don't need anything Torres, I'm fine."
"Then why don't you eat? Why don't you sleep? Why don't you take care of yourself?-"
"Why aren't you wearing gloves?!" I asked louder.
"I- uh- you know what? I'm fine, I have work to do, so I'm going back to the office." She said heading towards the stairs.
"They're dead!"
She turned around and came at me walking angrily.
"They're dead! You can't do anything about it."
"Don't you think I know that? Don't you think that I know I can't do anything?! Do you think I'm this stupid Torres!?" She started hiting me in the chest while she talked. Since she was really weak it didn't hurt me but I let her do this like this she would open up.
"I know they're dead! We could've save them! I COULD'VE SAVE THEM! BUT WE DIDN'T! WE LET HIM KILL HER!"
"She's dead..." she said crying. "She's dead!..." she was still punching me but not as hard.
"Who is 'her'?"
"Romane! She was killed!" She screamed.
"There was no dead Romane El., what are you talking about?" I said holding her tighter and tighter by the minute.
She stop fighting but she screamed instead. I didn't think someone's scream could hurt me as bad as hers did. I couldn't hold the tears anymore. She stopped screaming and cried while I was hugging her as tight as I could. She was shaking and couldn't stand on her feet anymore so I sat us down. She was mumbling words that I didn't understand at first.
"They took her from me..." she kept saying.
"Who is Romane El.?" I said sniffing a little.
"My best friend, they took her from me..."
"Your best friend was 8?" I said confuse.
"No, she died at 16." She said letting a sob out.
That's when it click. The scars on her neck that she wouldn't explain, why every year at the same time she was off.
She got into a school shooting.
"You lived it?" I asked playing with her hair. "You were on a shooting."
"She's dead Nick... and for what?"
"I don't know..."
"I didn't expect you to know." She said sniffing a bit.
"Wanna tell me what happened ?"
"Uh- we were at school, it was a friday. February 17th 1995. We were walking down the hall when a guy came in and shoot. I jumped in front of her to save her. The first bullet went into my neck. Well it only touch it and then went into her head. She was dead right away."
"The scar on your neck? Is it-"
"Yes, it's because of the bullet I should've take to protect her."
"El., don't say that."
She played with her fingers nervoulsy.
"What happened next?"
"I went upon her- uh- her body I guess. I closed her eyes and I had to leave. While I left I got shot in the chest." She showed me the scar, it was between the collarbone and the heart. "I was lucky. The police killed the guy."
"I'm sorry for Romane."
"Me too."
"How did you grieve?"
"Since I was in the hospital for a week after that they forgot about it and I never had to talk about it so I guess I never did."
"You think you did now Ellie." I said kissing her forehead.
"It's the first time you talk about it isn't it?"
"It's a step."
"Thank you."
"You're doing great babe."
"Don't call me babe." She said laighing a little.
"I knew you would laugh." I said wiping her tears away.
She took my head into her fingers and wiped mine as well.
"Thank you." I said.
"No, thank you. What can I do to make it up to you?" She asked.
"Kiss me." I blurred out.
"Oh my god I'm sorry."
"No, no problem." She said kissing me.
"Can I have that more?"
"Oh, so you liked it?!" She said smiling.
"We can say that."
I kissed her back and I found my girl again.

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