Mr. Loverman.

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Ellie and I are undercover as a couple. We have to find the guy who is in charge of a karaoke so, this night, here we were, listening to people singing while drinking.
"Okay, okay, now it's time for a sad song. Who's gonna sing... 'Mr Loverman'?" Asked the guy.
I've been waiting for Ellie to sing since the begining cause I know she can sing but she didn't want to. I saw that she knew the song so I screamed her name.
"So, Lena it is huh?"
"Yup!" Ellie said getting on the scene.
She looked at me with killer eyes but I was really waiting to hear her sing.
She started to sing and it was really beautiful. When she got to the chorus, I could see something was wrong. Then it hit me.
'And I miss my lover.'
This is the song she listened to when Qasim died.
She finished the song and came back to the table without saying anything.
"I'm so sorry E-"
"Don't." She said cutting me off and stopping me from reveling her identity.
"It hit me later I would never have done that if I remembered this is the song-"
"Stop." She said as she left.
It was late so it wasn't suspicious for us to leave.
When we got to the house we could use our real name.
"El! I'm really sorry!" I screamed closing the door since she was already up stairs.
I got to the bathroom where she was wiping her make up off, the door was closed.
"I'm sorry Ellie I promise I didn't do it on purpose."
I couldn't see her but when she didn't even sight I knew I messed up really bad.
She still didn't answer so I opened the door.
She was on the ground, with her legs crossed like she does when she's thinking.
She turned her head like this I couldn't see her face. I assumed she was crying and asshamed.
"Hey" I said sitting next to her. "El talk to me."
"He's dead..." she whispered.
"I know..." I pulled her in for a hug and she started crying a bit more. "It's okay to cry."
"What if he was the one?"
"After Jake, I thought nobody would love me. That I wasn't enough. I assumed that cause he cheated. But then Qasim came in my life and I was finally happy. What if it's the end?"
"El., you're blind, someone is already in love with you, and has been even when you were with Qasim."
"It's not funny don't tell me fake things I don't want to laugh right now Nick." She said hitting me friendly.
"No El, I'm serious."
"The only guys I know from when I was with Qasim are McGee, Gibbs, Vance, and Reeves. But since he's dead..."
"You forgot someone..."
"Oh yeah sorry, Ducky and Palmer. But anyway I don't like them like that, they're familly."
"You still forgot someone El..."
"Oh my god I'm so sorry! You... but it's not you so?..."
"El you're so smart but you can be so stupid at the same time." I said hugging her tighter.
"It's you?..."
"Depends, do you want him to be me?"
"Only if you hug me even if I'm not miserable?"
"I'll hug you everytime I can El." I said pulling her out of the hug. "May I kiss you?"
"Yup!" She said finally smiling.

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