I should've thank you.

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We were at a crime scene questionning people. At one point a guy passed by and Bishop went blank. She stopped talking, stopped listening, and even stopped breathing. I took her in a quiet place to talk to her since something was obviously wrong.
"Come with me El." I said holding her by the arm. She wasn't moving or breathing a she was still looking in the same direction as she was from the beggining. "El.?"
I looked at her in her eyes but she didn't react.
"Ellie!?" I said starting to be really worried.
She started to breathe really fast.
"El., calm down."
"I can't- I-"
"It's okay, breathe. Count backwards three by three from a hundred." I said still holding her arms since she was about to drop to the floor.
"I- a hun-dred, ninety-seven..."
"Yeah that's great, you're doing-"
I nodded a 'no' and pointed at Ellie so he could see she wasn't fine. He understood and let me do my thing.
"Okay, we're gonna sit down El., okay?"
We got to the ground and she was shaking like hell. I hugged her 'cause I felt like it was the right thing to do. And it was, after a few minutes she calm her breathing and started crying instead.
"Hey, it's okay, you're alright." I said hugging her tighter.
"He- he saved my life." She said.
"The- the guy. He was my P.E. teacher in highschool. He- he saved my life."
"What did he do?"
"He helped me through depression, he learned that I tried to kill myself, that I hurt myself. He was the one who saved me."
"That's great." I took her fingers who were in her skin as she panicked. She was still shaking. "Then why the panic attack?"
"I- I never thanked him. He- he saved my life and I never thanked him." She said trembling.
"I'm sure he knows how much it means to you."
"I- I'm so selfish I should've thank him."
"It's okay El., don't put to much pressure on yourself. It's not good for you." I said as I felt her body getting cold. I touched her forehead to feel her temperature and it was really cold. "Ellie, you're getting colder by the minute! Take this." I said putting my jacket on her shoulders.
"I would be dead if it wasn't for him Nick, I- I wouldn't be here." She said letting the tears fall.
"It's over. You're better now."
"I know but still..." She said putting her head on my shoulder. "Thanks."
"No problems El." I said kissing her forehead.


I want to thank my P.E. teacher of 7th grade for saving my life even tho he'll probably never see that (I don't even know if he speaks english but whatever). I never thanked him but he did a lot for me. I'll never forget how bad I could be to people but he was still there trying his best. I'm sorry for not thanking you. I should've when I saw you.

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