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Special agent Nicholas Torres had to go undercover for three months. He didn't want to, but didn't have a choice. He left looking at his team, his best friend, Eleanor Bishop. She looked lost, but numb.
After two weeks, the director said it was safer for Torres not to give update to the team but only to the director. And Ellie wasn't happy, but didn't say anything.
That's when she stopped eating. She had stopped her junk food the day he left, but now she wouldn't eat anything, not seeing the point in it. Nobody said, or saw anything. She didn't see her weight-loss, didn't worry when she started to lose her hair, or when she lost her period. Until Nick came back earlier than expected.

All the team was in the bullpen. They were in front of the plama when the elevator opened. Then they looked up and saw their co-worker.
"Guess who's back baby!"
That's when Ellie's body said stop. Unconscious, she fell to the ground.
Gibbs saw her getting weaker and caught her.
"Oh my- what the-" Gibbs was at a loss of words. His agent was so... Light, too light.
"Ellie!" Shouted Nick running next to her.
"Boss?" Asked McGee when he saw the look on Gibbs' face.
"Let me- Nick help me take her sweater off."
"What the heck Gibbs?!"
"Just do it!"
The sweater was off, and Ellie's sickness was out in the world.
"Oh my-" started Gibbs.
"When did this happened?" asked Nick calmly, but anger evident in his voice.
"I don't know we-"
"It's winter she wore sweatshirts everyday." Said Sloane.
"You didn't see how exhausted she is? You didn't see how pale she is? Look at her wrists! It's so freaking thin! How did non of you see that!"
"We were distracted, now what matters is to know why she passed out." Said Gibbs.
"Oh but I already know why she passed out! The night before I left, we were at her place, and she wasn't that skinny. So it happened after I left-" He got up and went to her desk "No junk food, nothing. And I'm sure if I go to her place it will be empty. She passed out because she stopped eating and nobody saw. So she figured she wasn't important. And now who knows what she's lost!" Yelled Torres.
It's at this moment that Ellie woke up from Gibbs' embrace.
"Why am I- what happ- my sweatshirt!" She shouted tears gathering in her eyes because she knew what happened now.
"Bishop wh-"
"Oh you are so not gonna put this on her back." Torres cut Gibbs off. "Ellie, will you come with me please?"
"My- my sweatshirt!"
"Here, it's here."
"Thank you."
They went into Jack's office.

"What did you lose?" Asked Nick closing the door as Ellie curled up on the couch.
"What did you lose El? I know what happens when people lose this much weight." He said sitting next to her.
"Uhm- the warmth, sleep, some hair, my period, my strength..."
"I know I fucked up okay?! I know I did..."
"Why did you stop?"
"You... I was independent, but then when you left I realised I'm dependent... To you. So when you were gone and we didn't have news, I didn't see the point in eating. And when nobody noticed it didn't matter at all. But then again, I hid it, so it's my fault... "
"Ellie, you are not dependent on me. You are a goddamn force of nature!"
"Nick I-"
"I love you El, I can't lose you. I need you to be healthy. I need you in my life, and right now you're disapearing. You're skin and bones, and god knows you're pretty, but I need you healthy."
"I'm so so sorry Nick!" She cried "I love you too but when you left I was lost and I-I-I-"
"Hey, it's okay, I'm back babe. I'll help you getting better." He said hugging her tightly.
"I'm sorry..."
"So you wanna be healthy again?"
"Yeah." She whispered.
Nick knew she was gonna make it through this time, but he also knew if he has to leave again, she won't make it.

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