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The next morning, there was the usual rush to get to King's Cross on time.

"You'd think that after all these years we'd figure out a system!" groaned Quinn, tugging her over packed trunk behind her, and wincing as her yellow Doc Martins made a gross squeaky sound as they dragged against the wooden floor. Knowing they were gonna be sat on a train for a few hours, Quinn had decided to dress comfortably so she wore her navy blue dungarees over a yellow and orange striped sweater she had knitted over summer.

"You've been in this family for thirteen years Quinn. You should know us better by now." said Arthur, taking Quinn's trunk from her and dragging it outside where the cars would turn up.

"Can't argue with that." she shrugged, walking over to Ron who was scowling in the corner next to an anxious looking Harry. "You good?"

"The sooner we got on the train, the better." said Ron. "At least we can get away from Percy at Hogwarts. Now he's accusing me of dripping on his photo of Penelope Clearwater. You know," Ron grimaced, "his girlfriend. She's hidden her face under the frame because her nose has gone all blotchy."

"Ugh tell me about it." Quinn agreed. "Yesterday he told me my shorts made me 'look like a harlot.' First of all, I'm pretty sure that's sexist, and second of all, the bitch is just jealous that I can rock shorts and he can't."

Harry nodded in agreement.

"Anyways... What were you saying Harry?" Ron asked.

'Ah, so Harry was telling Ron about what we heard last night.' thought Quinn.

"Later." Harry, muttered, watching Percy storm in.


Turns out later didn't get to happen until they got on the train - which Harry nearly missed (again).

"I need to talk to you in private." Harry told Ron and Hermione, his hand laced with Quinn's for support.

"Go away Ginny," said Ron.

"Oh that's nice," huffed Ginny and she stalked off. Probably to find Luna. She's a eccentric, cute Ravenclaw Ginny managed to make friends with last year despite being possessed by Troll Riddle. They'd been writing to each other all summer, Ginny seemed to really like the girl.

The four of us looked for an empty compartment, but couldn't find one.

"Let's just go in this one." said Quinn, pointing to one with only one person in. A man sitting fast asleep by the window. "He's asleep anyways."

The man looked too old to be a student. His sandy brown hair had flecks of grey, but Quinn didn't think he was older than thirty something. His robes were shabby and the poor man looked tired and ill. Despite all of this Quinn thought he wasn't bad looking, in fact he was kinda handsome.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron whispered, as we sat down and slid the door shut.

"Professor R. J. Lupin," whispered Hermione instantly.

"How is it you know that? How is it she knows everything?" Asked Ron.

"'Cause she's our 'Mione," Quinn grinned next to Harry, giving her a wink.

"Wonder what he teaches." said Ron, giving a concerned frown at the teachers pale profile.

"Ron, which class do we have a new teacher for every year?" Quinn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"... Defence against the dark arts..."

"So try and guess which position Lupin is gonna fill." continued Harry.

° His Sunshine °Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora